ch 2| j to the h-o-p-e

Start from the beginning

"her's just a lil different" taehyung stares at himself in the mirror, he's no longer nineteen he's almost twenty-four... with almost five years of life under his belt he was bound to change, you have to be different too, in some way. there's no way you were abstinent the two years the two of you were separated... especially in this industry.

even if it was just a kiss, it means you broke the promise too and he's going to get you to admit it. he knows you have, he saw it in the way you looked at his band mate.

there's no way he's the only one guilty you're just better at hiding it. you've always been good at hiding shit, but not from him. taehyung knows you, thats the only thing in this world he's certain about. and he read you like a novel that night...

your eyes sparkled like fireworks on the fourth of july when you looked at hoseok, like you could see your life in his mesmerizing rose-tinted eyes. he's a dream, a fucking lie because if you thought he was bad, hoseok is fucking awful. a slick tongued womanizer who, unlike him, will lie if it will increase his chances of luring you into the web he spun just for you.

sure, hoseok is his best friend, but he doesn't trust him around you.

not at all,

he saw him with you at the after-party all close to you, leant down pressed shoulder to shoulder. whispering your wildest dreams into your naive ears and you hung on to every word... taehyung knows you, you believed what you wanted and thought everything you didn't want to hear was bullshit. and even worse he knows hoseok, with a gift of reading people and lighting up a room, he had you wrapped around his finger, with that wickedly charming smile.

taehyung intervened, sure of course he intervened, but only to let hoseok know you were off limits. that you were her, the girl he never shuts up about. his first love that left after the fastest summer in his entire life.

it worked, hoseok backed off then taehyung was left alone with you... and he wished things had went a bit differently.

sauntering back into his room with his shoulders hung low, taehyung looks at all the things he has sprawled out on his bed and huffs moving in starting to shove things into his suitcase— with no rhyme or reason.

his thoughts keep traveling back to you.

he's absolutely distracted, he can't focus. not on the clothes, not on the toiletries, and definitely not on the shoes.

"don't we have stylists for a reason?!" taehyung sits with a loud grunt, fluffing his hands through his hair and his phone goes off. with his eyes wide he hurriedly he lunges over the bed to his nightstand clutching the vibrating device. he flips it over hoping its you, praying you didn't mean what you said,

only for his hopes to be shattered when he looks at the caller id, its just hoseok,

"what hyung?" taehyung answers with a bored tone, his eyes dead with disappointment as he continues to pack his things.

"guess who the fuck i just saw...?" hoseok says sounding way too happy. happier than usual so he just sounds kind of evil, and taehyung's folding comes to a halt when he remembers that hoseok is in brooklyn right now.

you're in brooklyn and at this point taehyung believes that god has to hate him. of all the people who had to run into you today... it just had to be hoseok, right?

"lia." taehyung says solemnly, setting his shirt in his suitcase with a breathy sigh. shaking his head,

"yea... you don't sound shocked though," hoseok says in a pouty tone and taehyung rolls his eyes. not the slightest amused with how his day is going,

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