The Chase Against The Dark Meta-Knights

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As the group organised what they would do they came to a conclusive conclusion, Honey would go for Dark Axe Knight, Natsuko would go after Dark Mace Knight, Seiji, Dedede, and Bandana Waddle Dee would go after Dark Trident Knight, Kirby would chase for Dark Javelin Knight. Lastly, Meta Knight would search in the mirror dimension to find any civilians held hostage by Dark Meta Knight.

"Good luck with everyone, I'll show y'all how this is done!" Dedede told the others laughing before he, Bandana Waddle Dee, and Seiji disappeared into one of the mirrors to fulfil their mission.

The others followed suit with Honey jumping into the mirror to find herself in London, Honey looked up to see the Elizabeth Tower towering over her and casting a shadow over the empty streets. 

Honey looked around for any signs of Dark Axe Knight until she saw a trail of dry blood on the patterned stone ground and saw a person with a large wound on their torso. Honey turned to a crone and pinched the heart on her chocker once more as a burst of light enveloped her.

Honey emerged as a thin maroon-haired nurse. She wore a white and blue coat and wore a cap on her head. She approached the fallen person who was clutching his open wound and also had a small trail of blood from his mouth.

"Are you alright there?" Honey asked him as she prepared several large bandages and placed them over the guy's wound. "Thank you, young lady." the guy replied as Honey bandaged the wound. The guy slowly got up still holding onto his wound and fumbling away.

"Say, do you know where the attack went?" Honey asked him. The guy turned around to face Honey before pointing to the corridor to their left. "That way," he told her as he ran as quickly as possible into the distance.

Honey ran to where the guy told him where Dark Axe Knight was and saw a thin trail of blood that slightly stained the ground until Honey saw more wounded civilians with the same wound on their chests.

Honey promptly bandaged the wounds before asking them where Dark Axe Knight was. They all pointed to their right as Honey thanked them and ran towards a seemingly abandoned apartment whose bricks looked chiselled and cracked with a dull red.

Honey looked around to see Dark Axe Knight. He looked like Axe Knight but was created from what looked like brian grains of sand that were coming off and reattaching to him. Honey chased him quietly until they were upstairs.

"Mercy! Don't hurt us!" Honey could hear a woman say before she ran frantically into her closet. Honey found it the perfect time to intervene. "Hey there," she told Dark Axe Knight as she pulled out a syringe with a light blue liquid in it.

Dark Axe Knight threw his axes at Honey only for her to dodge them. "Who are you?!" Dark Axe Knight asked, his voice sounding similar to Dark Meta Knight as he was slowly cornered by Honey as he searched for more axes with him.

"Where is your master?" Honey asked him as she pressed the syringe to ensure it was working.

"I will not tell you." Dark Axe Knight as he harmed himself with a miniature axe and swung it at Honey dealing no damage to her as it snapped off. "If you won't tell me, you'll get the jab," Honey told him as she presented the syringe.

"Never! I shall die for my master than lose face to someone like you!" Dark Axe Knight told her as he lunged at Honey before she injected the liquid into him as he slapped her shoulder. Dark Axe Knight was woozy before he dissolved from head to toe with not a single trace of him left.

Meanwhile, Seiji, Dedede, and Bandana Waddle Dee wandered around Moscow looking for any signs of one of Dark Meta Knight's servants running about while Seiji gave them a brief tour of the city as they walked through Red Square.

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