Placing it under his backpack Frost held his hellgun at the ready, however, Vex turned to Fennec.


"What is it brother?"

"You know before we got this mission I was tinkering with the vox again and I 'intercepted' a transmission,"

"Vex... what did you do?"

"Nothing. Just tapped into high commands personal vox link but before you get mad at me just listen," Vex stated while all eyes were on him. "You know were pods four, five, and seven stationed?"

"Yes, we were all told the report they died after those fraking xenos ambushed their line and killed all our kin there along with the guardsmen," Fennec answered.

"I don't think that commander was telling Inquisitor Alexis the truth brother. I overheard from the transmission that some of our kin were captured. Alive," Vex informed his brothers.

"Wait so that means Havoc and Tap could still be alive?" Coal popped up at the information his tail wagging at the reveal of this information. "Why did you tell us this sooner little bro?"

"Can't be too careful around our normal allies... politics and all. But now that we are here. There might be a chance to save our kin," Fennec looked at Vex from behind his mask, his tail swaying side to side slightly in thought.

The squad leader huffed for a moment and nodded.

"We still have a mission to complete but if we find any of our fellow fangs we'll help them but the legion will be here in half an hour to destroy this spire we got to take out the shields," Fennec answered.

"Sweep and clear?" Frost asked.

"Sweep and clear," Fennec answered.

As he said those words the doors to the lift began to open.


"No! No! No!" Frost narrowly dodged a mug that was thrown blindly by what seemed a very upset individual. 

Confused Frost stepped forward passing by some mutants that were either fully clothed or had very revealing clothing. Despite years of mental training and facing certain chaos forces, Frost couldn't help but glance at some of these very 'gifted' mutants.

A tall cat-like mutant bulking her bra noticed Frost looking at her and gave a playful wink causing the abhuman to quickly turn with a blush under his mask. However, this allowed a piece of clothing to be thrown over his head causing him to throw the piece of cloth off with a growl.

"Come on people this is the modern-day not seventeen hundreds!" Frost held the dress that was thrown at him to see a very short mutant with two large ponytails judging every piece of clothing in her way.

Confused Frost watched her glance at him and groaned before walking up to him, the warbeast flinched while she poked his chest plate.

"And what the hell is this? Armor what in the actual hell! This isn't the goddamn renaissance! Go back to the dressing room and change mutt," The short being ordered causing him to blink and push her hand away.

"I'm not one of your actors you don't get to order me around kid," Frost responded causing the red-eyed mutant to look up at him.


"Velvet~!" A familiar voice spoke causing both Velvet and Frost to look at the owner of the voice. 


As he walked forward Velvet poked Frost in the chest plate again while looking at Val.

"Val! This motherfucker had the nerve to-" Valentino held her shoulders while bending down to her level to speak.

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