Spanking Contest Part 8

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True Spanking Contest Part 8

The Spanking Winner

Thursday, before they were supposed to meet, Bill texted them in a group text.

Bill: Hey, sorry we are going to have to postpone our meeting until next Friday. I have to leave town for a week, family stuff. Nothing bad, but I am leaving on a flight early in the morning.

Sam: Ohhh, at least tell her that I won and she lost.

Jill: Sam, we don't know who won for sure.

Bill: Ok, stop! Don't fight using text. We'll meet next Friday and I'm not saying anything until then.

Sam: Fine

Jill: Ok

Sam: We also decided together that that if the loser choices the spanking instead of books, there will be a final timed hand spanking after the tree switches.

Bill: Jill, is that right?

Jill: Yes, that right! A bet can't be canceled but it can be added to and changed a little.

Bill: How long of a hand spanking.

Sam: You'll be spanking Jill for 20 minutes nonstop to wrap things up.

Jill: It could be you Sam!

Bill: Okay, okay. Stop, I don't have time for this, I have to pack. But as long as it agreed up, butnI rather have books but I always keep my word.

Sam: See you next week cutie!

Jill: Sam! STOOP THAT!

Bill: Both of you stop, see you'll next week.

It was murderous on the girls having to wait another week. The following week finally came though. They all took the day off and agreed to all meet at Bill's place about noon. The girls came with their switches and a belt of their choice in a sport bag they both had individually, and both were nervous. Sam had been antagonistic towards Jill and trying to convince her that she won. Jill was starting to believe her but didn't want too, she trying to hold out hope. They all sat down at the dining room table, and Bill gave them both some coffee.

Bill stated the conversation.

Ok, ladies, first, I want to thank you both for entrusting me and including me into your bet. You both took one heck of a ass whupin. And you both qualified to win. Do I also have permission to speak freely about your individual sessions in front of the other, or do you just want me to declare the winner.

Oh, no, Sam spoke up. I want hear all the details about her whupin and how she lost.

In a defeatist tone, he looked downwards and spoke softly .

Yeah, might as well, she said, as long as it stays between us. Jill mumbled, just load enough they both could hear.

Sam spoke boldly and with a very haughty disposition.

We might as well also tell you something too. We both decided that whoever losses has to leave and go home immediately after they get their second spanking session if they choose that. So the winner gets to spend the rest of the evening with you.

Jill, is that right? Bill queried.

Yeah, it has to do with the second part of the bet. I guess Sam will explain later. She said in a deafening tone.

And you both agreed this final 20 minute hand spanking? Bill asked

Oh heck yeah, second one is going be twice as hard anyways might as end it like that. Sam piped in with enthusiasm as she rubbed her hands together.

Yeah, we both agreed to it. Jill muttered.

Bill looked at Sam

Sam, can I tell Jill about your whupin?

Sam, oh yeah, it's all good. I trust her to keep it between us. Besides, she is leaving soon anyway after I see her get it good. I'm even brought some popcorn to make while I watch. Jill hardly ever wins, and I never bet unless I know I'm going to win.

Sam said, in a confidential and arrogant tone.

Bill looked at Jill and touched her hand.

Jill, can I tell Sam about your spanking session?

Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter. She said as she glanced at Sam and looked at Bill in the eyes.

So who won?

He looked at Sam and then back at Jill.

Jill, you took one heck of a licking, and you did the cutest little hoping dance after the hand spanking and the paddling. It wasn't that I was taking pleasure in your pain, but it was pretty dam cute. I'm sorry that. . .

Sam interrupted him, slapping the table, making a drumming sound, and threw her arms up in the air like cheer leader shouting.

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