Spanking Contest Part 5

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A True Spanking Contest

Part V

Jill's Spanking

Two days later Bill got a text from Jill.

Jill: A backscratcher, really?

Bill: lol, she told you ah?

Jill: Yeah and that heard you were a perfect gentlemen, you didn't try anything else.

Bill: Figure as much and if course not, always keep my word.

Jill: Yeah, all she told me that she definitely qualified and than some.

Bill: Well, I'll only confirm what she said.

Jill: How many did she take before interfering or did she interface?

Bill: Not going to say until a week from Friday when we all meet.

Jill: You really like something called a shuffle?

Bill: lol yeah she tell you about it?

Jill: No expect you really liked it. What is it?

Bill: Tell you when we meet.

Jill: Speaking of meeting can we make plans?

Bill: You ready to get your ass beat?

Jill: Yeah, I might as well, don't like the idea but a bet is bet.

Bill: When were thinking

Jill: I'm off Thursday through Sunday, so I was thinking Thursday evening?

Bill: I can make that happen if you want, what time?

Jill: Around 6:30 and we can order pizza or Chinese food.

Bill: That will work, your place or mine?

Jill: Mine

Bill: Roommates?

Jill: She working from 5 to 11, she won't be around

Bill: I can do that, install a countdown timer app.

Jill: I already have one installed.

Bill: See you Thursday evening.

Jill: Ok

On Thursday Bill got off early and skipped his gym work out. Put the backscratcher in his bag and went to Jill place. She let him in and they went over to the couch and sat down.

Well, Sam said you didn't take advantage her in anyway. She said.

Of course not, I always keep my word. She commented.

She been harassing me to tell her if I got my licking yet and if I did how many I took before I interfere. She said.

Yeah, she's been harassing and nagging me for the same thing. I keep telling her she'll just have to find out on week from Friday. He said.

I appreciate that, you do keep your word don't you? She commented.

Well, always try too, that's the way I was raise, a man always keeps his word. He affirmed.

Did she really qualified? She queried.

I beat her butt black and blue and she bawling and sobbing way beyond her ability to make words. So yes she definitely qualified. He said.

Way beyond ah? She asked in a frightful tone.

Yes mam, over the top until she completely surrendered and way beyond that point too. So yeah she qualified and she survived too. He said.

Yeah that's what she said too. Guess I'm going to have to do the something ah? She said as she exhaled.

Yeah if you want to qualify yes. He said.

I won't pretend though, I'm a little concerned about being vulnerable towards you like that. Will you hold me afterwards? She asked

If that's what you need, absolutely. You sure you want to go through with this? He asked.

Yes, I have too, I can't afford to buy her text books next year. Besides a bet is a bet. She said.

Is it just one semester or the whole year? He queried.

The entire year, summer and both semesters. She replied.

You know you shouldn't get into bets like this, you may end up getting hurt some days. He commented.

Yeah, I know, its sure as hell going to hurt tonight that's for sure. She said.

I mean permanently get hurt. He said.

I know, I know but where's the adrenaline rush without a little danger. She said.

Now you know I may be a little assertive this evening but it's only because I'm going to try to help you get through it and stay in the right state of mind. Have your resolved yourself to take it?

Yeah, I understand in fact I'm going need you stay really serious too. Yeah, I'll let it happen. I won't like it at the time but I let it happen, it's the only way win the bet. She exclaimed.

Where do want to get your ass beat, in here? He asked.

No, I prefer to be my room, if you don't mine? She said.

You want to go to your room? He queried.

Yeah, that where I got all my licking when I was a kid. I would feel more comfortable in my own room. Shall order delivery first so we can eat afterwards.

We better order afterwards there no need rush. Do you have a chair that doesn't have arms in your room. He asked.

Yes, it pretty big size room and I have a chair. She said.

You really want to be in your room? He queried again.

Absolutely. But remember your not trying anything else right. I mean Sam said you didn't but. .

I wont try anything else I promise. And no, I didn't try anything else with Sam either despite her efforts. He said.

Her efforts?! Why what happen, she come on to you? She asked in indignantly.

Oh yeah she did with all the kissing and everything and. .

Kissing! She was making out with you?! Oh that's so like her, that was not the deal. She said while shaking her head in disbelief.

Yeah, I've never seen her be so forwards or flirtatious before. But I got something out her for the kisses. What deal are talking about the bet right? He inquired.

Oh, we'll explain that later. What did you get for the kisses? She asked.

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