Spanking Contest Part 7

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A True Spanking Contest
Part VII
Jill’s Belting

They were laughing and enjoying each other. Finally after about 10 minutes or Bill brought the conversation back the reason he came over.

Now Jill, you know, I was only giving you medium force swats with the backscratcher right? He asked.

Medium force, dam it sure didn’t feel that way. She commented.

Well, you still want to always be serious with you when it come the spanking ? He queried.

Jill exhaled. Yeah, it helps me if I know your not joking around, know what I mean? It’s time now isn’t? She asked.

Yeah, but I want you to know that this is real deal now. I’ve given a little spanking, and than I paddle you good. But this time, your going to have to let me beat your butt and not be mad at me afterwards, you know that right? And I won’t be holding back this time. He asked with all seriousness.

She swallowed hard.

Well, I guess that we signed up for and no, I won’t be angry with you. Your just doing what we asked but I won’t lie, I a little afraid; but no one over died of from spanking, so I guess, I’ll survive too. She said.

Well, this isn’t going just a spanking, I going literally beat your naked backside. Its going to be severe. And just like what I did with Samantha the other day, I’m going to have literally beat your butt black and blue and then some. That means there no more countdown timer and there no more specified number of whacks here. This is no time restrictions.  It’s going to be unlimited swat spanking and your getting all of them. Do you understand?

Yes sir. She said as she nodded.

The anxiety began flood her thoughts.  Her stomach was turning into knots when he said that.

And according to terms of the bet, I decided when it stops not you. Now, I’d never keep going if you were bleeding but other than that there is absolutely no restrictions and everything it at my discretion. And the agreement was I keep going until your bawling and sobbing beyond your ability to make words, isn’t that right? He queried.

Yes sir. She as she was start to trembling her lips.

He toned it down a little and took her hand. When he did, she immediately moved over and sat in his lap sideways and laid her head into his shoulder.

Can you just hold me for few moments? She asked.

He wrapped his arm around her.

Yes mam I can.

He held for a couple minutes and he tapped her shoulder.

Here sit up for a second. He asked.

She sat up put her arms around his neck.

Ok, I need you to do two favors here. He asked.

Sure Bill, what? She queried.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t fuss with getting ready.

She let a sigh. Yeah, I can do that, that’s fair. Your going make shuck’em and shuffle to you again ah? She asked all knowing what he was going to say.

Well, yeah, you just look so dam cute especially with the Supergirl theme you got going on, it’s so hot. He said as he started get hard and hoping she wouldn’t notice but she did.

And the secondly? She asked.

Well, I’m just trying to help you win the bet, just like I tried helping Sam. And I’m also trying to be honest too and keep my word as well. So, what I like you to do, is to do your best and keep yourself from crying for as long as you possible can. Take an honest spanking. That way, when I see and hear you burst into tears, I know it’s genuine and not fake, as was the concern from both of you when we were at Starbucks making this bet remember? He asked.

She exhaled. Yeah, I remember, I guess that fair too. She said.

Alright, you ready? He asked.

Yes sir. She replied.

He lightly pop her hip.

Alright, lets get to it than. He said.

She got up and he lightly pop her behind.

Let’s get back to corner on the other side of the room. He said.

Oooh, yes sir. She said. She still wasn’t use to the familiarity of him touching her bottom. She gave him a little squinting look of hey there. But than realized she has given him permission to touch her like that.

She got to the corner and turned around. She just looked directly into his eyes. Her lips started stammering a little.

He stood up and slowly started to undo his belt, she heard the jingle of his belt buckle as he was unlatching it loose.

Now this one Jill, isn’t going to be like a real spanking, this is going to be the real deal and it is going really going hurt,

Ohhh yes sir.

He stopped just when he got his belt undone.

Alright, Jill,

He paused for a second, put a serious face and look in to her eyes

Yes sir?

Take’em down! He said with a very authoritative tone.

This time she didn’t argue or anything. She knew she had no choice. She began slowly undoing her belt. She was pulling the lip of the belt to the right to get it unlatched.

Now remember, Jill, there’s no more number games, this is a real unlimited swat spanking. You understand that Jill?

Yes sir, ohhh yes sir, unlimited swats. She reiterated to him as she slowly stated unbuttoning her jeans and pushing her zipper down.

Alright, get your britches down than. And I mean all the way. He ordered.

She replied as she hooked the inside of her jeans with her thumbs an paused again and looked at him.

I’m still way across the room, you know that right?

Yes I do and you are going Shuck’em and shuffle to me nice and slow too.

She letting out a few deep sighs. Just my jeans? She queried still trying to stall a little.
Yes ma’am, just your jeans, anckle‘em! He said as he motioned downwards with his finger.

Ohh, I don’t like this part! she said as she slowly bent over pushing them down slowly as she could still just trying to prolong the impending demise of her derriere.

She finally got them down without further protest and stood up. She slipped her on the inside of her panties and began robbing her bottom in frightful anticipation.

Alright, Jill, drop’em! I want your entire backside naked, push’em down to your knees and no further.

Ohhh, yes sir! She said.

She slowly pulled her hands out of her Supergirl panties and slipped her thumbs on the inside of the elastic band. She than started pulling the in and out side ways but not down as she was still hesitating inside.

Jillll?! Knee’em! Get’em down! He ordered her as he started pulling his belt off.

Ohh, I hate this part, yes sir!

She heard the belt slide off and her heart began beating a little faster as she felt her stomach turn into knots.

Oh, this is so embarrassing. I hate this part. She said again but slowly pushed her panties down to her knees.

She stood up covering herself and looked at Bill.

Lets get this over with shall we?

Ohhh yes sir.

Alright, you know the deal get both hands on your butt cheeks and rub your bottom while you inch your way to me. And I want you to take half steps, nice and slow.

Ohh this is so embarrassing, yes sir, half steps. She said as she ever so slowly moved her hands to her bottom. First her left hand, stalled for a second and than resigned her fate and moved the right hand.
Alright, get rubbing your beautiful derriere and shuffle that naked backside over here. He said firmly.

She began slowly sliding her hands up and down rubbing her bottom and began her sliding her feet over an inch at a time.

You are so beautiful you know that, Jill?

You really think I am? She said as she was hobbling over trying to keep her knees far enough a part to keep tension on the of elastic band of her panties so that they did fall past her knees.

Of course I do, I’d ever lie to you. Your doing good there. He said trying to encourage her.

As she was shuffling her feet inch by inch, she heard her own belt buckle jingle as it slide across the floor she felt so embarrassed. The cool air on her exposed skin. Accurate awareness they everything is pushed down for the express purpose of getting her butt beat. The focus of her anxiety was the belt in his hand that keep the attention of her eyes, as she was approaching him inch by inch.

The closer she got the more trepidation raced through he mind. She got almost half way. In a very hesitating tone, she asked.

Oh man, the belt, please not so fast, don’t hit so fast. Your not going to be whacking way fast are you? She queried in dread.

He slowly walked to her and folded the belt in half And met her half way in the middle of the room.

Jill, I’ll decide how fast or slow to swinging. Now, let’s get you turned around here. He said as he gently took her left arm and turned her around.

Wait what, we’re in the middle of the room? She said in a half panic tone and still covering her behind with her right hand.

That’s right we are, now you move your hand out of way and keep it out of the way. Don’t bend your knees, move your feet or turn away. You stay facing forwards and stay in position. He said as he raised her arm a little more.
Ohh yes sir, yes sirrr. She said as she arched her back a little clenched up in anticipation for the first whack.

Oh, dam, I love it when you tighten up like that, Jill, you have such a exquisite little naked bottom there, especially all clenching up. I see all your muscular definitions of your butt cheeks. He said right before started taping the belt across the center of her bottom.

Ohh, thank you, Bill, please go slow, please go slow. She said in as she dreadfully waited for him to start.

Alright, remember, you stay in position, if you turn away or bend your knees while I swing away it’s consider interfering. So you have to keep your gorgeous naked bottom facing me and just take it until I decides other wise you hear! He said really authoritatively.

Her heart was racing, she got a surge of adrenaline shoot through her. She started blowing breaths out and flex clenching her butt cheeks in and out in anticipation.

Yes sir, yes sir! Ohhhh!

Alright here we go, these are going to be real zingers, don’t turn away! He said as he pulled the belt back and took aim.

He didn’t even respond to her.

He sliced  the belt across her upper part of her ass really hard.


The sliced right across the center backside

Ouchieeeee, ouhooooo, shit, shit, ouchieeee, that hurt, that hurt, shit, shit!

She immediately pushed her forward and tighten right up as the shock of the belt burned a bright red strip across the skin of her behind.

He let her recover for a moment and than brought another one across.


Ouchieeeeeee, ouchieeeeeee, dam it that hurts, dam it, that’s too hard, ouchieee. And hop up and down for a second but still remain in position.

It’s suppose hurt, Jill! Now don’t be hopping until I’m done! He told her emphatically.

Ok, Ok, Okeeee!

He waited again until she recovered. Just like with Sam he laid into her one at a time and waited until she fully recovered until he got to twenty-five.

After that he started with set of five in rapid fire succession.


She pushed her hips forward clenched up so tightly after the third one connected.

Ouchieeeeeee, ouchieeeeeee, ouchieeeeeee, not fast, not fast, ouchieeeeeeee

He let her recover until and lit into her again.


She threw her right hand out  and balled up her fist as she stiffen her entire body up straight.

OK, OK, OK OK, dam it. no more fast ones, no more dam fast ouchieeeeeee. She was yelling.

I’ll decide how I spank you not you! He barked back.



She was separately try so hard not twisting out of the way or bend her knees. She lifted up are her toes best she could with her cowboy boots on but wasn’t hopping.

He was now at forty four and it was time give her sets of ten hard and fast.


Jill began hollering as the belt sliced across her ass with tremendous pain.


No more, no more, slow down, slow down, dam it, it burns, it burns, slow down, I’m sorry. I’m sorrieee

He was now up to sixty, this was happening all so fast. Burning welts appeared on her backside and she wasn’t interfering but stayed in position. He paused and let her recover for few seconds. She was breathing hard but wasn’t crying.

Ok Jill, don’t touch behind, I’m not done whupin you, lets go over to the couch and get your skinny little bare butt over arm of it. He said. As he gently but firmly lead her over to the arm of the couch.

No, no more, I can’t handle anymore. She protested but even though she wasn’t resisting.
They got right in front of the arm of the couch and he let go of her arm. He turn her to make eye contact with her.

Isn’t that the point of this bet? To see just how much you can take and beyond. Now, you pull your panties back up to your knees and get your beautiful naked backside up and over arm of the couch! He ordered.

She bent down and very slow pulled her panties back up. She put her hands on the arm rest and tried hopping up. It didn’t work. She did it again, and just like before she arched her back, flexed up tight and pushed herself forward until she could balance her weight forward teeter tottering over the arm of the couch. She leaned forward and was able to pull her forward until her behind was pointing straight up and her legs were dangling off and above the floor.

He rested the belt across the lower part of her cheeks.

Dam you look so hot doing that. Alright, listen up, these are going be slower but non-stop for a while. But these are going to be real zingers, I’m putting my shoulder into those so you best get that pillow, your going to need to it for this part. He said very definitely.

She reached out and pulled pillow to herself. She put some of the pillow in her mouth and began lightly biting and squeezed it tight fearful exception.

Now only allowing her a second in a half between swats he was crisscross the belt down starting with her upper thighs and working his way up the upper part of her cheeks.


With every whack of the belt she kicking and like a banshee. The burning pain of the belt was unbearable. He was up to sixty now and she was biting down into it the pillow so hard, she thought she was going to bit right through it into her bottom lip. He kept going really hard and pausing every second or two. At seventy she pushed one arm out straight and started gripping the pillow so hard her knuckles turned white with the other. She started clawing couch cushion just desperate for it to stop. When she got to eighty-five she was hammering her palm on the couch, trying so hard not to intervene. The whacks were severely hard and were coming down in a constant nonstop rhythm. She was getting to her absolute pain threshold but she was so determined hold out. Again he was going get up a hundred and than cut loose with the fast and furious non-stop ones until she broke into full blown crying and sobbing.


At ninety-eight she slid backwards, hit the floor and did her hopping dance performance she did early. Pushing her hips forward, clenched up tight, board up stiff frantically rubbing her backside and hoping up and down turning about.

Ouoooooo, ouoooooo, no more, no more, I can’t take anymore, ahooooz ahoooo!

Ok, ok, you’ve reach your limit. Now, get back over and push past it, I’m not done yet.

Ouooooo, ouoooooo, no more, no more!

Well, from here on out your not suppose too. Now its time to stop fighting and given in it. You can bail out if you want but you won’t quality unless you continue. What you want to do.

She stopped hopping and turn towards him still rubbing her flaming behind.

Ohhhh, ohoooo, ok, ok, just a second, it burns, it burns!

No, no more stalling, get back over Jill or bail out, we’re not stopping until I decide. remember. Now get your cute little bare ass over, you have to take it until I’m done!

She slowly hobble back over to the coach but still rubbing her backside frantically.

Jill, get your panties back up to your knees and get back over. He said really authoritatively.

She did as she was told and hoped up and maneuver her back up and over like she did before. Once she was over she put her hands back to rubbing her bottom again.

You move you’re hands, get them out of way, Jill! Bill demanded.

She move them slowly slid them in front of her and he gave you the last few slow one.

CRACK. . .CRACK. . .

She stiffened her body and clenched up tight as the last ones fell across a rock hard muscular bottom. He let her have a about 30 seconds to recover.

Ouchieeeee, ouchieeeee, ouhooooo, ouhooooo, ouhooooo
Ok Jill, time to let go. I’m done whupin you, now I’m going to beat bare off your behind. He said assertively.

Jill instinctively knew he was going to really tear into her. She pull her pillow closer, tucked it half way underneath her along with her arms. Now with no more pauses between swats, he came down as hard and fast as he could.


Jill immediately stiffened straight as she buck and was clenching and unclenching involuntarily.

Ouooooo, ouoooooo, ouoooooo, not fast, not fast not fast, ouoooooo, ouoooooo, it burns, it burns


On an on nonstop. Now she was kicking and bucking like all get out. After about two minutes, she slid down again and did her hopping thing again. She stopped hopping and just looked at Bill with an angry face. Tears started come down her face.

Ok, ok, dam it, I’m crying, no more, no morrrrrrrr, AHHHOOO, AHHHOOO, AHHHOOO , AHHHOOO

Waiving the belt and motioning her towards the couch, he said.

No you don’t, get your bare ass over Jill, Unless your going to bail out, this is what your here for, we’re almost done, you getting as much as I deem necessary, now back over. It’s not over until I decide. He insisted.

I’m crying, I’m crying, I’m crying already! She kept saying in between heavy breaths.

Yes, but you’re not bawling, your still able to speak and you haven’t stop fighting it. Now get your panties back up to your knees and get your naked ass back up and over! This isn’t over until I say its over! He said.

She did as she was told pulling her panties back up and the whole time but kept whimpering.

I’m crying, I’m crying already Jill: AHHHOOOOO
, yes sir, AHHHOOO, not fast, please not fast, AHHHOOOOO, dam it, I’m crying already.

She was breathing heavy as she slowly got back into position.

No ma’am, unlimited swats mean just that, unlimited and I’m not done your naked butt.

Ok, ok, yes sir, ouhoooo, ouhoooo, ok, ok, pleaseee, ohooooo, not fast!

Once again she grabbed the pillow again and tucked her arms underneath her.

It’ll keep going until your bawling and sobbing beyond your ability to make words remember and until I feel like stopping. Now, you stay there until I’m done, no more hopping off, you hear! He said sternly.

Ohhhh, yes sir, yes sir, please slow down, pleaseeeeee!

I’m beating you butt the way I see fit, not the way you want it. He said assertively.

Ohhhh pleaseeeeees!

Without saying anything else and without warning started up again.

He let her have it again as hard and fast as he could.


After good 30 seconds or so her mind went into panic mode, she just bit down on the pillow as hard as she could trying to muffle her screams. She clench up tight again. After she relaxed she start kicking again. She repeated that cycle every seven or so swats. It wasn’t long before she too began the load long bursts growling type screaming and she lost all ability to make words.



It went on for another minute or so. She finally stopped bucking and tears were streaming down her face. Than she was clenching up so tight she started shaking, almost vibrating. She really trying to fight it and it was obvious that she was now at her absolute pain threshold. She started really of crying and as she was screaming into her pillow with intense pain. He was determined to push her into sobbing freely as they agreed too. He was still bring the belt down as hard and fast as possible focusing back on the center of ass now. The belt smacking across her bottom made a little difference sound when her butt muscles were all flexed up hard as a rock. He kept going fast and furiously.



After another full minute or so nonstop she finally busted into full blown sobbing.


He couldn’t believe how much it took for her to finally let go. He decided to give a few more minutes for good measure.


He finally stopped and she just laid there weeping in hiccup crying uncontrollably, absolutely cathartic. She was completely crimson, welts and had some black and blue splotches all over her backside, from the top of her cheeks to half way to the back of her thighs. He put his belt on and helped her up. He gently lead her around and sat down on the couch. She gently sat in his lap and curled up into a ball. She didn’t even care away more everything was still down. After a minute ir so, she lifted her head a little and tried to speak but she was still hiccup crying.

D. .di. . .did. . .I. . .w. . .wi. . .win?

She started coughing. She just couldn’t quite talk still. Her throat was horse from screaming, tear running down face, noise running, eyes were all puff and red from crying so hard. There was no more fight left in her. She was completely cathartic and contrite. She must have weep in his arm for a good thirty minutes.

He stoked her head and was just there for her until she completely calm down. She was completely exhausted. Finally able speak coherently and she sat up.

Thank you for not taking advantage of me and for helping me push through the spanking, Bill. To be honest, I didn’t feel I could will myself to stay with it until I was at the point. I didn’t think I could qualify without quitting. She said.

You’re welcome Jill. Ya’ll came to me and entrusted me to be impartial and fair. I should be the thanking you two. I sorry your behind is welted bruised up like that. He said.

She slowly got off his lap, still embarrassed again, she turned her behind towards him as she twisted and looked back too.

Dam, you did do a number on me, but I’ll live, beside I was fighting with it even though I didn’t have too.
She bent down and carefully started pulling up her panties. She winced as her panties started sliding over her upper thighs and the welts on her sit spots.

You want me put lotion on you?

Nah, I’ll do that later. But you know, I’ve value our friendship and I feel so much more closer to you now. She said as she slowly finished pulling her panties up over her bottom to her waist.

You sure a beautiful woman you know that Jill?! He said watching her bend over and slowly began pulling up her jeans.

Awww thank you Bill. By the way, did I win? I promise, I won’t tell Sam if I did. She said as she whence getting her jeans up over her hips.

Sorry, I’m not going to say until we meet, I gave my word. He said.

A man who keep his word. I sure hope I won, you’re cute and honest. She said as she was pulling her zipper up on her jeans.

What does that mean? He queried.

She began buckling her belt back together.

Oh, nothing, we tell you when we all meet. Hey, I appreciate you coming over but I’d like to order food now, I’m hungry.

He stood and started over the table.

Alright, I have China Wok programmed into my phone. He said.

The finish ordering and turned and picked out a movie after getting going to the kitchen and getting something to drink. Afterwards she walked him to the door.
You real beat my ass good, you know? She said.

Well, you asked for it, literally, you know? He responded.

She let out a snicker of laughter as she let him go.

Yeah, well, I should be careful what I ask for next time, it could be a pain in ass. She said.

It sure can be. He said letting out a chuckle.
Goodnight Jill.

Just before he walked out, she touched his arm. Got close and kissed him on the cheek.

Thanks again for not trying anything else Bill. She said.

I always keep my word, Jill. And you do got a beautiful looking bare backside. He said as he left.

To be continued. . . . . 

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