It's A Butt

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Marmalade: Oh there you go again making it personal. I'll give you one last chance to give me the meteorite!

Mr. Piranha: Oh yeah? What you gonna do Whiskers?!

Mrs. Bat: I'll fly up there and kick your tiny butt!!

Marmalade: you won't get the chance to!

He used the mind control helmet to command all the guinea pigs to chase of them all

Mr. Wolf: What the?

Mr. Wolf: We've got adorable company!


Wolf drove even faster

Mrs. Bat: How can something so cute be so dangerous?!

Mr. Shark: I have no idea!

Mr. Piranha: Maybe I shouldn't have called him Whiskers!

Wolf drove passed all the guinea pigs that tried to attack

Webs: When I woke up this morning this is NOT where I saw the day going!

Mrs. Bat: You and me both!

Suddenly Marmalade pushed snake out of the helicopter but he bit onto the edge

All: Snake!!

Mr. Wolf: Whoa! hold it! Okay okay You win! You can have the space rock!

Marmalade: Good boy Wolf

He commanded all the guinea pigs to stop attacking and a claw came out of the helicopter which grabbed onto the meteorite

Mr. Wolf: piranha take the wheel

Piranha held onto the wheel and wolf grabbed the claw chain

Mr. Wolf: Not so fast! Pull him up first or I'll use this!

He held a lipgloss

Marmalade: Oh come now!

Mrs. Bat: ...since when do you-

The lipgloss became a blowtorch and wolf started burning the chain

Mrs. Bat: never mind

Mr. Wolf: Do it marmalade! or you'll lose the rock!

Marmalade: ...If you insist! You want him? He's yours

Marmalade kicked snake off the helicopter and right above a giant crater in the ground

All: SNAKE!!!

Wolf got back in the drivers seat and drove even faster towards the end of the bridge

Mr. Wolf: Guys I know it's crazy but we're gonna jump it!

Mr. Piranha: Crazy? You're finally speaking my language chico!

Mrs. Bat: this is way better than flying!!

Wolf drove off the bridge heading to snake

Mr. Piranha: WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT!!!

The car immediately started to fall

All: AHHH!!!

Mr. Snake: you came back!

Mr. Wolf: Snake... I should've been honest with you. I was afraid that if you knew I wanted to be good that you'd-

Mr. Snake: Act like a jerk and never talk to you again?

Mr. Wolf: Yeah. Point is I... you know...

Mr. Snake: I love you too buddy

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