Car Chase And Cake

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Piranha and Bats had a quick kiss

Mr. Piranha: it's because I'm thinking about you señora!

Mr. Shake: Aww!

Mr. Snake: Gross! At least wait until we're back at the hideout!

Mrs. Bat: you can't stop love snake!

Webs: I hate to interrupt this romantic moment but didn't you forget something piranha?

Mr. Piranha: what?

Mrs. Bat: what talked about this

Mr. Shark: the present!

Mr. Piranha: oh uh of course I didn't forget!

He farted

Webs: you know you fart when you lie right?

Mr. Piranha: what? No! I fart when I'm nervous!

Webs: yeah nerves about lying!

Mrs. Bat: stop! You know he can't help it!

Mr. Piranha: it's too late...

Piranha farted again and everyone stuck there head out of a window

Mr. Wolf: Don't breathe it in!

Mr. Shark: I breathed it in!

Mrs. Bat: Oh sweet heart what did you eat?!

Mr. Piranha: just burritos! With extra beans...

Mr. Snake: really?!

The smell eventually faded but now the cops got to smell it

Mr. Wolf: Yeah they're a bit eccentric but when you're born us you don't exactly win many popularity contests. Do I wish people didn't see us as monsters? Sure but these are the cards we've been dealt so we might as well play them

Snake was able to open the safe

Mr. Snake: Jackpot!

Mr. Piranha: Yes!

Mrs. Bat: another flawless victory-!

Wolf suddenly stopped the car in front of the police station

Webs: what the thorax?!

Mrs. Bat: never mind

Mr. Piranha: Are you crazy?

Mr. Wolf: What? I just wanted a longer car chase It's the best part

The chief of police Misty Luggins burst out of the police station

Mr. Wolf: hit it Bats!

Bats turned on the radio but romantic music played and she immediately shut it off

Mrs. Bat: Uh pretend none you heard that

She played car chase music instead

Mr. Wolf: that's better

the six of them put on sunglasses and drove off again

Mr. Shark: Hooked on hip hop phonics!

All: it works for me! So jump aboard this train is free the conductor let me toot my whistle the instructor of the funky uncle fizzle!

At that moment the chief caught up to them and grabbed onto their car

Mrs. Bat: hey!

Mr. Shark: Chief You want some cake?

Shark held Snake's birthday cake

Mr. Shark: You seem a little hangry

Everyone laughed except for the chief

Chief: Get that thing out of my face before I-

Mr. Wolf: Excuse me Chief

Chief: What?!

Mrs. Bat: you've got some upcoming traffic

The Chief saw she was about to be hit by a bus

Chief: AHH!!!

She let go of the car and wolf made a sharp turn down a big flight of stairs

All: AHHHH!!!

They all made it to another road safely then immediately put seatbelts on

Mr. Wolf: Yeah we may be bad but we're so good at it

All: hahaha!


The bad guys made it back to there hideout which had all of the things they ever stole. Then Wolf put the cake on the table

Mr. Wolf: alright piranha your up!

Mr. Piranha: happy birth-!

Snake blew out the candles before piranha could finish

Mrs. Bat: what the heck?!

Webs: seriously?

Mr. Wolf: Snake come on at least make a toast

Mr. Snake: okay fine a toast. I've made a lot of enemies in my time I mean a lot but out of all the people in the world I hate you guys the least.

Webs: Aw

Mr. Piranha: That was actually kind of beautiful

Mrs. Bat. Didn't know you could say such nice things

Mr. Shark: You're a poet man

Mr. Wolf: To Mr. Snake and his strange dislike of birthdays!

They all made a toast and wolf got ready to take a picture

Mr. Wolf: everyone say robbery!

All: robbery!

Wolf took the picture and bats taped it on the fridge

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