Chapter Two

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Tony waits patiently by the backdoor once I get to the house and I grin at him. As much as I could, considering the fact that Agent Baxley has already nearly fucked everything up and it's not even seven in the morning yet.

"So ist bray," I quietly praise and pet him between the ears before opening the door, letting him run inside. As soon as I cross the threshold, I shut the door just in time for Agent Baxley to walk right into it with a loud thud.

"Ow! What the hell!" he shouts and I ignore him. He's lucky he's only hurt by a door and not by my two hands choking the life out of his dumbass.

Following Tony around the kitchen island, I watch him turn around at his food bowl and sit, waiting patiently once again. I forget how damn smart this dog is.

I adopted Tony from the Miami Police Department when I worked a case with them a few months ago. His old handler just had a newborn and the wife didn't want him in the house due to his intimidating nature—whatever the fuck that means. Because he's newly retired, the MPD didn't have anything else for him and I lived alone so I figured we'd both could use some company. A police dog is supposed to be extremely smart, that much I knew. I just didn't expect this level of intelligence.

"Nimm futter," I command and Tony immediately dives into his kibble.

Agent Baxley finally approaches the kitchen island, rubbing his nose before he pulls out a barstool and plants his stupid ass in it. He senses my silence.

"Okay, I know I said shit I shouldn't have, but come on! That is one gorgeous woman. It's a shame that family is rotten."

I smack the bottle of water I retrieved from the fridge onto the island, making him jump. I'm tired of hearing about that damn woman. He hasn't stopped talking about her since last night.

"Do me a favor and keep your dick in your pants." My bottle cracks beneath my hand and I let go. I should not be this angry this early in the morning, but Agent Baxley has a way of bringing it out of me. I swear to god I'm going to need blood pressure medicine by the time I'm forty. "The last thing I need is Burke riding my ass because your boner ruins our plans."

No one expected Lawrence Adams to come into town for her Mother's funeral. Granted, her mother died, but it was rumored that she was the main reason why Lawrence never came back to Orchid in ten years. I figured that rumor would uphold itself, but imagine my surprise when she rolled up in her rental five hours late and ripped her younger sister a new one.

"Well, maybe if you told me that Tony speaks German, I wouldn't have ran into her," Court counters. "Damn dog took off like a rocket."

Remind me to never let him take Tony out for a piss. I don't remember playing fetch being a part of that equation.

"What do you call last night?" I challenge, hoping he has a damn good reason.

"Off duty?"

I smack my fist against the cool surface before pointing a finger in Court's direction. He leans back into his seat and crosses his arms, knowing damn well he's in for it.

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