Xrays and Party Days

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Melo POV:
When I wake up I check me and Tae's messages to see no reply. What the hell did those letters mean. I try not to worry as I get ready for school. When I head downstairs I tell my mom goodbye head to school. When I get there I see the others and walk up to them.
"hey yall" I say opening my locker
"Hey, you seem tense, you good?" Tre asks
"Have any of yall heard from Tae?" I ask closing my locker
"No, well not since school yesterday" Tavon says
"Why? Something wrong" Kennedi asks
"I got this weird text from him yesterday and then when asked what it meant I got no response." I tell them as I show them the message
"Oh..that is really weird" Aushrea says

Where are you Tae and what is going on?

Tae POV:
I awake in pain and bright lights flashing in my eyes. Then I quickly register where I am, a hospital? I am in so much pain that I groan and Saniya stands up over me.
"Take it easy Tae" Saniya tells me
"Sis, what the fuck. Why am I here, what happened" I ask as I panic a bit
"You were in an accident. Last night. Your car flipped and you were in a field on the other side of the road, they say you're in critical condition." She tells me as she sheds a tear "nigga I thought I lost you"

"Do the others know?" I ask her
"No, or at least I don't think so" She tells me
"MELO! I was texting him before- before- before everything went black." I tell her
Just then the nurse walks in the room.
"Hello Mr. Jones, I see you're awake." The nurse says with a smile
"Yeah" I say
"Well, we're gonna move you to another room to do some X-rays and MRI's. Then we'll have to see if you'll need any physical therapy after this whole ordeal." She says
I nod my head and the nurse turns to leave.
"Alright, so while you go to your X-ray, I'ma go to school, I'll be back by lunch..pinky bear swear" Saniya says and she kisses my forehead and walks out.
I get moved to the room the nurse told me to go to and I get hooked up to these machines.
Damn, Melo prolly worried, but I hope he ain't. Shit bro, I hope he Ight, fuck I hope I'm alright.
The nurse takes me to get an MRI and I get one done. Then I get taken back to the room I woke up in. The nurse leaves and I go to my phone. I call Melo and he picks up.
"Hey Poppo" I say
"Tae!? Oh my fuckin god I was worried, you good?" He says
"Yeah, I'm Ight. I was just with the doctors, got some X-rays and stuff" I tell him
"X-ray!!!! Are you ok— sorry Ms Harrell" he says getting quiet, he in class "What the hell is going on Tae"
I explain the accident and he just sighs.
"Melo I'm Ight though..really" I say

"Yeah..I know" he says "But I'm still coming to the hospital after school, I'll be there in no time"
"Ok baby, I'll see you in a bit" I say
We end the call and I lay back in my bed. I close my eyes and wait for Saniya to come back.
Melo POV:
After I talk to Tae I turn my phone off and pay attention to the class. The entire rest of the day Tae is all I can think about. When the last bell rings I run to my car and drive straight to the hospital. When I get there I see Saniya sitting in the waiting area.
I walk up to her and say, "Hey Saniya, how is he?"
"He's good for the most part" Saniya tells me putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Thank God" I say with a sigh of relief
We talk for a minute and then Saniya heads home. I go up to the front desk and the lady tells me Tae is in room 312. I go up to the room and when I get in I see him laying in the bed.
When he sees me he says, "Hey Poppo"
"Hey baby" I say as I run up to him and hug him

"I'm Ight, I'm Ight" He laughs "I promise Poppo"
"I was worried, I don't want anything to happen to you" I say
"I'm ok, they say I'm in no condition to play the game Friday but I'm fine" He tells me
"Good, you had me worried, you ain't never ignore me like that before, and that illiterate ass message had me way thrown off" I tell him
"Yeah my bad, but I promise I'm ok" He says with a slight smile "now since you so worried, can I have a kiss for my boo boos"
"Always" I say as I kiss him on the lips and his forehead
I pull up a chair and sit next to his bed. I hold his hand and we talk for a while. A nurse walks in the room and she checks Tae's vitals.
"Well, you're looking good, I think you'll be able to go home by Thursday if everything goes well" the nurse says
"Yes!! Thank you" He says
"So, you're welcome." She says as she smiles and walks out
"Can't wait to be home" He says
"Yeah me too" I say kissing his hand
Tavon POV:
I wake up Wednesday morning and head downstairs to see Aushrea sitting at the counter.
"Wassup bae" I say kissing her cheek
"Hey" she says as she kisses me
"How'd you sleep" I ask
"Good" she says with a smile
"Ight cool" I say as I make myself a bowl of cereal

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