Daddy's Home

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Kennedi POV:
I walk into the house and see my father. I haven't seen him since I was 6. What's he doing here?
"Mom, what's this" I ask

"Well I told you your father was coming" She says plastering a smile on her face

"You told me that..two days ago" I say crossing my arms

"Wow..she's just as beautiful as you said Christina." My so-called father says smiling "uh um hi. Wow, you've gotten so big"

"You barely saw me when I was little, and I aged, it's what humans do" I say walk past him and going upstairs to my room.
I get into my room and I grab my phone to text Aushrea.
Me: Ray
Aushrea: Kennedi
Me: my dad is here
Aushrea: oh my god. Well, how are you feeling. Happy, sad, nervous
Me: All of the above
Aushrea: what did your mom say
Me: she said he was coming and that was 2 days ago.
Aushrea: I see why you upset now. Is he staying with yall
Me: I don't know, I hope not. The man just got here and he already fucking with my head
Aushrea: lol chill. Just talk to your mom. If you don't feel comfortable then it ain't shit your mom can do about it
Me: yeah you're right.

Deion POV:
Ui walk downstairs and grab my keys, me and Romeo decided to hang out today. I've actually been hanging out with him quite a lot. He cool as hell, and I'm ready for another "sleepover". Well it wasn't really supposed to be one the last time, he just fell asleep. When I get in my car I call Romeo. He answers on the second ring.
"Hello?" he answers
"Hey, are you home? I'm about to pull up" I ask
"Yeah I'm home" he says
"Okay I'll be there in like 15 minutes" I tell him
"Ok" He says as he hangs up
When I get to his house I see him waiting on his front porch. When he sees my car his face lights up and he practically runs to the car.

"Yoo" I say as he gets in

"Heyy..where we headed." He asks
I don't know, I haven't thought this far. I just wanted to spend some time with him, so I guess I'm trying to take him on a date. But where would I take him? And does he know I want this to be a date? Do I have a crush on this nigga? Is he even gay? Am I even gay? This shit too much.

Melo POV:
Me and Tae are chilling in my bed when I hear my mom yell from downstairs.
"Melo! Can you come here please!" She says
I get up and tell Tae to come with me. When we get downstairs we see my mom with a Amazon box the same size as her in the living room.
"Yes mom" I say
"Can you and Tae go get this grill out the car for me" she asks
"Yeah" I say
Me and Tae go outside and see my mom's car packed with boxes and bags.

"Mom what exactly is all this stuff for?" I ask her
"It's stuff for me and Charles" she says
"Oh ok, what yall need a new grill for?" I ask
"Cause the one we have is old and rusty" She says
Me and Tae grab the grill and bring it inside the house.
"Is that all? Or do you need more teenage labor?" I ask with a laugh
"Ok then..I won't mess up yall lovey dovey time." She says shooing us away with a laugh
We both laugh and head back to my room. I walk into my room and I see Javontae pulling out some weed and his grinder.
"I'm finna roll up, you want some?" He asks
"Since when you start smoking" I ask confused

"Don't worry about allat so yeah or?" He says wiggling the bag

"Tae no. And you don't need any either, this could fuck up your whole chance for a career, a scholarship." I say

"No it won't it'll be fine I promise" he says putting the weed in the grinder
"What about yall weekly athlete sobriety test Tae?" I say concerned

"You know what, ok if you don't want me to I won't smoke...right now" Tae says with a smile "what so you mad at me now?"

"Don't give me that playboy smirk" I say blushing

"I'm just smiling at my baby" he tells me

Take stands up and pulls me into the bed and we just laugh together. I love our time together. He makes me laugh like no other, he cares about me more than anyone else in my life. He's truly my person.
Tae POV:
I wake up and see Melo sleeping soundly next to me. He looks so peaceful, so beautiful. I lay there and watch him sleep for a few minutes, before I decide to go downstairs and make breakfast for him. I head down stairs and see his mom awake.

"Hey Ms. B" I say with a smile
"Good morning Javontae, you're up early." She says
"Yeah I know, I'm trying to cook breakfast for Melo" I tell her
"Aww, you are so sweet." She says "I love seeing you two thrive, it truly makes me happy"

"Thank you Ms B" I say
I start making pancakes, bacon, eggs, and omelets. When I finish making breakfast I set it all on the table and head upstairs to get Melo. I walk in the room and see Melo still asleep.

"Pa wake up" I say shaking him lightly

"Hmm" he says sleepily
"come on I got breakfast waiting for you downstairs" I say pulling him


"Bae I'm tired" He tells me as he rolls over
"Come on" I say as I grab him.
I put his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his waist and pick him up and take him downstairs. When we get downstairs he starts to wake up a little. I sit him in a chair and get him a plate.
"I can't believe you made all this" He says
"Yeah well you deserve it" I tell him as I sit down beside him
"Thank you bae" He says
After breakfast, I wash the dishes and I head back upstairs to Melo's room.
"I'm gonna go shower, you want to join me?" Melo asks
"Of course" I say as I follow him to the bathroom
Me and Melo get to the bathroom and he starts the water. No shower sex this time, just him being there was enough. The hot water and warm skin was so tantalizing. I love this man, and I'd do anything for him.
"So how was the game yesterday?" Melo asks
"It was good, we won by 30 points" I tell him
"That's great. You know I missed you a lot." He tells me
"I know pappo" I say as I rub his back with soap
We get out the shower and I head back to his room while he dries off.

Melo POV:
I get out of the shower and dry off, and I walk back to my room. When I get in there Tae and putting his shirt on and he looks so good. I walk up behind him and throw my arms over his shoulder and kiss his cheek.
"You look so good" I say
He turns around and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my lips. He makes me feel like I can be so vulnerable. But we all know I'm a girly girl anyway. He makes me feel safe.
"So are we hanging out today?" He asks
"Yeah, we can go to the mall or something" I say
"Yeah that's cool" He says
I kiss him one last time before we go downstairs.

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