Open dat cell!

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Tre POV:

I haven't been to school in months, since that night. My mom constantly yells at me and calls me a failure for not going. It's like she has no sympathy for me. I mean, she didn't even go to the fucking funeral. I mean, my dad did, but he wasn't there for me, he was there for Yuna, but Yuna wasn't there anymore. He left before they lowered the casket into the ground.

"Tre!" She bursts into my room "Wake ya ass up, and go do somethin with your life. I'm sick of you sitting in my house on your ass all day not doing nothing. You moping around about a girl that died MONTHS ago damn!" she says

And that's when I snap

"That girl has a name! And I loved that girl! So excuse me if I'm grieving the loss of my GIRLFRIEND!" I say as tears form in my eyes "10 minutes! I left her alone for 10 fuckin minutes and she was gone! I could have saved her! If I would've just stayed there a little longer!" I say as I begin to cry and the tears roll down my cheeks "She was my whole world, and now she's gone, because of me"

"Tre" she sighs "I know you loved her, we all did, but honey you gotta learn that although she's gone, you're still here. I'm sure she would want you to take that blessing and make something with yourself, go back to school, graduate, go to college. If you can't do it for yourself, you gotta do it for her." she says as she pats my back "I'm gonna go start dinner, I made you some lunch for tomorrow. You better get back to school Tre, you're wasting your life away."

She walks out of my room and leaves me alone. She's right. Yuna wouldn't want me to be sitting here wasting away. She would want me to go on with my life and keep going, and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get my shit together. I have to, for her.

Deion POV:

I wake up to someone tapping me but I don't bother to open my eyes, that is until I hear HIS voice.

"YOO BABY BRO" My brother says

"What! Nigga when did you get out" I say shocked

"Got out last night, and dad bought me a hotel room so I could come home and surprise you." He says with a smile

"Damn...Well welcome home Damien." I say

"Yeah thank you thank you, but uh gotta get yo ass up for school" He tells me

I look over to the alarm to see that it's 8:46, I am late as a mothafucka!

"SHIT!" I yell "I gotta get to school man" I say

"Yeah yea, I gotchu bruh" he says as he heads out of my room and into his.

I rush to get dressed and grab my bag and rush out to the kitchen.

"Hey baby" My mom says as she takes a shot of something and snorts a line of cocaine.

She said she was done with that shit, but hell she's said that before. How could I believe her this time around. Damien comes outside with keys in his hand.

"Lets ride" He says with a smile on his face

"Ight" I say as I get into the car

When Damien drops me off I see Tavon, Aushrea, and Mahogany at the front entrance.

"Yoo" Tavon says

"Yo" I say back

"Aye, is that big og triple og D" Tavon says with a smile

"Ye, he got out last night" I say

"OOOO! Deion yo brother get finer everytime!" Mahogany says

"Okay, and on that note, we needa head to class" Aushrea says in a laugh

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