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Kennedi POV:

I was so excited for today. Today is my 18th birthday and it was gonna be amazing! I was planning on celebrating at the house, because I really didn't wanna go anywhere.

"MOOOOOOM!" I yell but I get no response "She must be gone." I say to myself

I go downstairs and look in the fridge, trying to find something to eat. Then I get a call from Aushrea.

"Heeyyyy" I say

"Hey" Aushrea says

"Hey Kennedi" Tavon says in the background

"Girl, I know he is not at your house." I say

"NO! Girl you know Tory don't play dat." Aushrea laughs "We at fireball."

"Oh" I say

Fireball was the city's teen hangout. They had everything. Drinks, snacks, a bowling alley, a arcade, a lounge, and they had go kart racing.

"Ummm everybody else say the on the way, you coming tn." She asks

"Uh yeah let me find something to wear." I say

"Ok girl, see you when you get here." She tells me

"Alright, bye." I say as I head up stairs to find something to wear

After searching through my closet for what seems like an eternity, I find a outfit. I change into it and look in the mirror, then I head out the door. When I get there everyone is already inside.

"Hey guys" I say

"Happy birthday Kenn" Saniya says

"Aww thanks Niya" I say with a smile

"You look cute" she tells me

"Aww thanks" I say

"The party has arrived!" Deion yells as he is walking in

"Heyyy Deion" I say walking over to hug him

"Happy birthday Kenn" He says hugging me

"Thanks" I say

We all walk to the lounge and take our seats. We sit at the big booth in the back corner, so we can talk and not get yelled at.

I notice that Deion is looking around a lot.

"Speak your mind Deion." I say

"Ummm did Melo say he was coming" He asks

"I don't know none of us have talked to him." Saniya says

"Oh" He says


Melo POV:

I was gonna go to the lounge tonight, but I decided to stay home. I mean I wasn't really in the mood to do anything. I look at the time, it's already 8:48. I decide to go take a shower. After the shower I hop in bed and pull out my phone to text Deion.

Me: Hey, you still at the lounge?

Deion: Yea, where you at?

Me: At home.

Deion: so you ain't comin?

Me: Nope

Deion: Ight bro

Me: So now you mad

Deion: Nol, I just thought you was comin, but I'll talk to you later

Me: Ok, night

Deion: Night

I turn my phone off and plug it in and get into bed. I try to go to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about how upset Deion seemed about me not going tonight. That nigga really love to see me.

Deion POV:

"Yoooo, why you keep lookin at ya phone?" Tavon asks

"Shit, I was just checkin the time." I say

"Aight man, I'm bout to head out, I gotta work tmrw." He says dapping me up

"Ight, twin" I say

Tavon and Aushrea head out and so does everyone else, including Kennedi herself. When I get home, I quickly take a shower and get into bed.


I wake up to someone knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I say

"Deion, you have to get up, you have school today" Damien says

"I don't wanna go." I tell him

"You have to go." He says

"I said I don't want to go." I tell him

"Well I guess you have no choice, cause you are going" He says as he walks towards me "Get up" He says as he grabs the blanket off of me

I lay there for a minute and he snatches my pillow.

"DAMIEN!" I say

"Deion get your ass up." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed.

He drags me to the bathroom and leaves me in there. After 30 minutes of sitting there, I start to get ready. After getting ready, I grab my book bag and head downstairs to find Damien in the kitchen.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks

"Yeah" I say as I grab a banana and we head out.

When I get to school, I walk into history class and I see Ari talking to Kennedi and she looks like she's pissed. I sit down next to Kennedi and look at Ari, who is staring right at me.

"What the hell is her problem." I ask

"Boyyyy, you know she like you." Kennedi says

"But I don't like her... like at all." I say with a sigh "But that still doesn't answer why the hell is she staring at me."

"Ohhh, she think you like me." Kennedi says

"Why would she think that?" I ask

"Cause you was all over me at the lounge last night." She says

"What?!" I say surprised

"Boy I'm just playin" Kennedi laughs

"Not funny Kenn." I chuckle "I gotta go to the bathroom" I say as I head out of the room

Melo POV:

I'm walking down the hall when I see Deion coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey" I say

"Sup" he says with a attitude

"What's wrong with you?" I ask

"Nothing" he says as he continues to walk down the hall

"Wait up" I say as I run to catch up to him "You sure you good"

"I'm fine, remember" He says walking away from me

"Is this about me not coming to fireball last night." I ask

"Yeah, it is, because I wanted you there and so did Kenn, but I guess I was wrong to think that you actually cared about any of that." He says as he turns to face me

"I do care, but I just didn't wanna go out, I wasn't in the mood." I say

"Just like how I'm not in the mood to have this conversation right now." He says as he begins to walk away from me "See ya later."

"Bye" I say as he walks away.

The rest of the day goes by slowly. I sit at lunch with the rest of the group and we talk and laugh like we usually do. Except... Deion isn't there. The bell rings and I head to my next class, then after that, the school day is over.

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