Are we an Item?

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Saniya POV:

I'm sitting at home alone and I decide to call Melo. I call him and he answers.

"What's up girl" He says

"Nothin much, where you at?" I ask

"Home chyy" He says

Then I see an arm around his waist in the camera.

"Ummm, who's the nigga?" I ask in a laugh

"Girl, guess?" He says

"No" I say covering my mouth

"Yes" He says smiling

"You and Deion made up" I ask

"What!!! Girl no, this is Javontae." He says

"OOP! Did you and Tae-"

"No, we just cuddled." He cuts me off

"Awwwww, y'all cute." I say smiling

"Whatever Saniya, whatchu doing?" He asks

"Nun much, I was calling you to see what you was doing." I tell him

"We were bouta go and get food." He says

"Okay well, call me when you get back." I say

"Will do." He says

I hang up and I go take a nap.

Melo POV:

After we hang up, me and Tae hop in his car and head to the store. When we get there, we go to the snack aisle and grab some more chips. While we're in the aisle I see Ari and Deion.

"Ummmm, Tae can we just get out of here." I whisper

"Yeah, sure." He says

Just as we are about to leave Deion walks up to me and tries to grab me, so I grab Tae's hand and squeeze.

"Aye bro what's yo problem?" Javontae asks

"Man Tae, this ain't none of yo fuckin business." Deion says

"Oh yeah, then why is Melo squeezing my hand and holding onto my shirt" Javontae asks

"You know what, y'all get the fuck outta here" Ari says

"That's what we were doing." Javontae says as he rolls his eyes

We pay for our snacks and head back to my house. We head up to my room and lay down.

"You good?" He asks

"Yeah" I say looking at the floor

"Look, Melo don't worry about Deion or Ari bitch asses. They just haters, they time comin'." He says as he wraps his arm around me

"I just don't see how Deion could switch up like that. I mean one minte he was begging for forgiveness and now he's all 'get the fuck away from me'... and I WAS NEVER TRYING TO BE BY HIM. He keeps chasing ME, not the other way around." I laugh "But I'm still not over the fact that he was willing to fight you"

"Ight, imma be real with you." He says as he sits up "Deion only said that shit to try and intimidate me, because he knew if he fought me he would get his shit rocked, just like in the seventh grade."

Yeah, in the seventh grade Javontae and Deion got into a huge fight that almost broke up our entire friend group. Tae came out of the fight with a few scratches, but Deion on the other hand.... the nigga had a broken nose and a busted lip.

"Yea, I guess your right." I say

"Yep, I know I am. So can we enjoy the rest of our day together." He says

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