Clean sweep

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Tavon POV:
When I wake up Aushrea is sleeping on my chest. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I feel like we were made for each other, like I found my soulmate. I lay there and stroke her hair until I see her eyes flutter open.
"Good morning" She says with a smile
"Good morning beautiful" I say as I kiss her head "you ready to get ready for this party"
"Party? Von, what time is it" she asks yawning
"Even though I said good morning..bae it's 8, Stevan's party started an hour ago." I say with a laugh
After laying there for a little longer we start getting ready.
Melo POV:
When me and Tae arrive at the party we see the others and go talk to them. We laugh and chat for about 30 minutes and then Deion walks in.

"Oh look y''s Deion" Kennedi points "and he's holding hands with..Romeo?"
"Wassup yall" Deion says as he walk up to our table
Everyone says hey to him except me.
"Damn Melo you can't speak" Deion says
"Hey Romeo" I say with an attitude
"Damn bruh what the fuck" Deion says as he smacks his teeth
"Weren't you just mad at me and told me to stay the hell away from you and that plague Ari is creating in her uterus" I tell him

"Aye bro. Don't talk about my baby like that" Deion says as he puts his cup down
"Woah, what you putting yo cup down for bruh" Tae says as he stands up
"Aye yall just calm down bro" Tavon says
Then everything get worse, than it already was..because Ari walks in.
"Hi girls, gays, and theys" She says with a false smile
" Girl do you want your ass beat again" Kennedi asks
"Don't touch her I have just mentioned, this WHORE is with child" I say with a low tone

"Who you calling a hoe" She says
"man Ari what are you doing here?" Deion says as Ari turns to look at him and sees Romeo holding his hand
"Damn, the pussy was that bad you went back to niggas..or you just a faggit at heart Deion?" She says with a laugh
"I need to go calm down" I say as I try to walk off
"Oh no don't leave now Melo..the decision should be easy for you.  Romeo took one of your decisions."  Ari says
"I had him first" I say
"But who got him now" Romeo says, finally speaking up
I smack my teeth and say "please I still got him"
"Oh for real" Javontae says as he turns to me
"Wait Tae I didn't mean it like that- please don't start right now" I say before Tae explodes
"NO BRUH! Any time there's a conversation to be had between us you dimisss it. It's always 'not right now' when it comes to us bruh! But I see why now- because you still got him right?" He says before he takes a sip of his drink "I'll see yall boys on Monday imma head out"
"Tae wait" I say before he walks off
He doesn't even turn to look back at me, he just exits. "I should knock your ass ou-." Kennedi tries to say
"and watch me take your ass to court, now move." Ari says as she walks around Kennedi and as she gets to the door she turns around "Oh and Deion, the ultrasound is this Friday so be there and on time....or my brother's next bullet....will be the lethal one"
Then Ari notices Aushrea shaking her head.
"What now Ms humble" Ari laughs "you try to play this humble mature act so bad"
"No-it's because I actually am. Be grateful..the last genuinely humble you let him between your legs and unload whatever you are CONJURING, inside of you...let's go Tavon" Aushrea says as she grabs her purse and walks away
Everything has just gone to shit..and I'm starting to it all my fault.  After the whole mess at Stevan's party, I ended up spending the night at Kennedi's. When we wake up the next morning I get my clothes from her closet and I start getting dressed.
"So what are you gonna do about Tae?" Kennedi asks
"I don't know, I don't know how to fix this" I say "I didn't even know he felt that way"

"Well you know what they say..liquor just helps the truth come out" Kennedi says with a sigh
"Yeah you right" I say as I get a text, it's from Javontae

Tae 🧸💗: Yo
Me: yeah?
Tae🧸💗: you still at Kenn
Me: yeah
Tae🧸💗: come outside
When I get outside I see Tae with some black joggers and a black Nike tech on. Soon as we see each other we hug, deeply. That's when everything clicks.
Tae holds me tight as he says "I'm sorry poppo, I shouldn't have did that shit last night. I know it hurt yo feeling and I never meant to do that."
"I'm at fault too right- there are things that I dismiss and I get where you were coming from..that was just unexpected." I say as I continue to rest my head on his chest
"Damn that was quick" Kennedi laughs as she walks outside with a smile

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