Start from the beginning

The words on the screen fueled his fury and heightened his resolve. Without uttering a word, he pushed open the door and left the confines of his office, ready to confront the danger that lurked in the shadows.

Asher, gripping the steering wheel with intensity, dialed Damian's number, hoping for a reassuring voice on the other end. The call connected, but to his dismay, it wasn't Damian who responded.

Asher's heart sank as he heard the gloating voice of Pierce on the other end of the call. The sinister tone sent shivers down his spine, and he gripped the steering wheel tighter. The taunting assurance that Damian was drugged by Pierce added fuel to the flames of Asher's rage.

"Don't worry about Damian, he's with me," Pierce sneered through the phone, his words dripping with sadistic satisfaction. Asher's eyes narrowed, jaw clenching in frustration. In the background, the faint sound of Damian's weak attempt to utter Asher's name only intensified the urgency in Asher's pursuit.

Pierce's cruel words hung in the air as he taunted Asher through the phone. "Hope you said your final goodbyes to him. Hm... actually, I don't think you did. Wanna talk to him?" He brought the phone close to Damian, giving Asher a twisted sense of proximity to his helpless friend.

Damian's voice, weakened and strained, reached Asher's ears. "Asher... help," Damian managed to utter, the desperation in his tone cutting through the chaos of the situation. Pierce ended the call.

Asher's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. The accelerator pressed to the floor, Asher's determination grew with each passing moment, his focus solely on reaching Damian before any harm befell him. The tension in the air was palpable as Asher raced against time, fueled by a mix of worry, anger, and the unyielding resolve to protect the person he cared about.

Asher, fueled by a mix of anger and concern, drove towards the location indicated by the hired protector's tracker. The intensity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he navigated the streets, his mind racing with thoughts of what Pierce might do to Damian.

The city lights blurred as Asher's car sped through the streets, the urgency palpable. The tracker showed that the protector was nearby. Before he even entered the alley, he noticed the body. The street light flickered, he could see all the blood leaking out. He called one of his trusted friends to take care of the situation. 

He didn't have any time to spare, he quickly drove off. They couldn't be too far.


In the dimly lit car, Pierce's sinister intentions were only amplified as he placed a possessive hand on Damian's thigh. The unconscious Damian slumped in the passenger seat, vulnerable to whatever schemes Pierce had in mind. The cabin, once thought of as a peaceful retreat, now felt like a potential nightmare for Damian.

As the car rumbled along the secluded road leading to the cabin, the shadows played on Pierce's face, highlighting the malevolence in his gaze. With each passing mile, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Damian's unconscious form, and the impending danger became more palpable. Pierce's actions spoke volumes about the darkness that lurked beneath the surface.

The grand facade of the so-called "cabin" loomed in the darkness, surrounded by the eerie stillness of the woods. Its size contradicted the quaint image of a cabin, revealing the true nature of Pierce's deceit. The sprawling mansion, hidden away from prying eyes, stood as a foreboding symbol of the ominous events about to unfold.

As Damian remained unconscious, his vulnerability became even more apparent in the face of impending danger. Pierce, with a sinister smile, effortlessly lifted Damian's limp form from the car, cradling him possessively. The mansion's entrance, adorned with ornate details, served as a chilling backdrop to the unfolding events.

Pierce crossed the threshold, the grandeur of the interior only amplifying the unsettling atmosphere. The spacious hallways echoed with an eerie silence, each step resonating with a foreboding rhythm. Carrying Damian further into the depths of the mansion, Pierce's intentions remained veiled in shadows, leaving a sense of dread hanging in the air.

In the well-lit and spacious room of the grand house, Pierce gently placed the unconscious Damian on a comfortable bed. The room, though opulent and well-furnished, lacked any sinister undertones. It was a seemingly normal setting, yet the unfolding events within held an unsettling tension. Damian lay there, oblivious to the hidden motives surrounding him, as Pierce contemplated the next steps in his disturbing agenda.

Pierce took a moment to admire his captive, reveling in the power he believed he held over Damian. With a sinister smirk, he began setting up his own version of a "perfect" night. 

The dim light in the room highlighted Damian's unconscious form as Pierce tied his arms to the bed. Pierce, with a dark fascination, traced his fingers over Damian's exposed stomach. A twisted sense of satisfaction lingered in his gaze as he reveled in the control he believed he had.


A/N: Where's Asher at bruh 😭
Is he even gonna come save poor Dami?

I honestly love writing the evil characters parts. 

Funny story, ever since I was a kid (and my sister tells me this too), I've always been into villains. Like I remember watching Power Rangers when I was like 10 and having the biggest crush on Dai Shi 👇

And in almost every anime I've watched, it's always the villains, like isn't Sukuna impossible to hate even after everything he did??👇

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And in almost every anime I've watched, it's always the villains, like isn't Sukuna impossible to hate even after everything he did??👇

And in almost every anime I've watched, it's always the villains, like isn't Sukuna impossible to hate even after everything he did??👇

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So anyways, back to my point.

Because I'm such a imp for villains, I figured that there probably are people like me out there. That's why, I wanted to make a really hated villain. 

One that even I can hate.


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