Chapter 2 Lia

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Humiliation is a feeling that I face on a daily basis. But this time my father crossed his limit. I really didn't feel like returning back here. The sharp pain in my face faded away as my thoughts were occupied with something else.
By someone else.
Where did he come from? Who is he? So many questions.

"Why are you smiling creepily?" Sasha asked . "What? No.Nothing." I said as I stopped smiling. She obviously knows that something has happened and I'm hiding it from her. So instead of poorly trying to hide and fail I decided to tell her.
Her jaw literally fell open. "He is like someone out of a romcom" she said as she nudged my shoulder.
"Yeah I know, but stop romanticising it , he was just being kind to me. And I am sure I won't see him again." I said.
"Don't lose hope Lia, we are going to stay in this town for a week! Maybe you will meet him again under different circumstance and fall in love with him. He might be your first ever lover. Have you not seen any romance movies. This is how it starts" Sasha said excitedly.
"Shut up." I said trying to hide the excitement , anxiety and the stupid butterflies in my stomach.

We were returning back to the resort. The resort was 5 kilometres away from here. We were half way there. Even though this trip is so painful for me , the only good thing is the view from the resort . It's like being surrounded by clouds.
While I was admiring the beautiful sight ,Sasha's phone buzzed with messages .
"Lia, my brother has planned a party at the resort tonight as soon as our parents leave to our grandpa's house".
"Did he text you and invite you?" I asked.
"Yes . In the group chat." Sasha said with excitement.
"Firstly, I am not even invited in the group chat. Secondly they don't like me being present there".I said
I have always been alone. Sasha has been my only friend. Even though she is two years older than me ,our vibes match.
"So what? Lia, my brother's friends are going to be there and my boyfriend will also be there.It's a huge gathering with more than 100 people so they won't notice you. Please Lia." Sasha pleaded.

"I want you to attend the party and collect all the gossips. After the morning incident I don't feel like meeting those rats . I'm going to enjoy my own company and sleep well ,without hearing your snores".I said .
"You are going to miss me. If Dev is not coming to the party I won't be attending it too. It's been days since I saw him." Sasha said.
Dev is her brother's friend. They both have been in a relationship for the past 5 years . I am so sure they are going to get married in few years . I love them both.My heart was filled with warmth when I thought abou the love they both have for each other. I hope someday I find someone like that.
It was 9:00 pm , I pushed Sasha out of our room and closed the door. I could hear the sound from the party. Even though I felt a little sad for not being invited , I have specialised in the area of enjoying my own company.
I decided to take a warm bath and then watch Legally blonde which is my comfort movie.
I took off my clothes and then filled the tub with water.
To ignore the party sound, I put on some music in full sound and got into the tub.
The place was filled with fragrance of vanilla scented candles and soap.
Closed my eyes trying to not think about anything. But my mind immediately went to the man I met today morning .
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted with loud knocking on the door.
It should be Sasha, I guess Dev didn't attend. I climbed out of the tub and put on my bath robe and walked to the door. Swearing at her I went to open the door.
I Unlocked it. Before I could open  the door , the door was pushed from outside and a really tall man got inside my room and he put on the latches.
My heart stilled.
The tall man is the guy who I saw at the horse stable.Arnav.
Before I could shout he covered my mouth with his huge hand.
Only my muffled screams came out.
"Please listen to me. Don't shout, some men are trying to kill me . I will get out of here soon. If you don't believe me ,just look out through the window."
He said with his hand still covering my mouth tightly and his other hand around my stomach. He was standing behind me.
He slowly loosened his grip as I turned around to look at him.
He was sweating and his eyes was filled with worry and omg ... he was bleeding.
He looks like a person who can fight 100 men, but he got hurt.
There was a huge cut near his chest. I could hear some men talking outside my room.
One guy said "He should have escaped,let's go".
What have I gotten into.
"You can stay here. Do you want me to call police or doctor?"I said trying to hide the panic.
"No, just give me some water and I will be out of your hair as soon as my friend gets here." He said looking at me with a strange expression.
"Sure ,let me get you the first aid kit".
I said and went to get the first aid box. It was then I realised that I wasn't wearing anything except my robe. The realisation made my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
I rushed to the bathroom immediately and I could feel his gaze on me which made my face even more red.
I put on my pajamas and my full sleeved black T-shirt ,took the first aid kit and walked back to him.
He looked at me with an odd expression and immediately turned away .
I handed it to him and stood there awkwardly.
He removed his white shirt which was red now.
My jaw literally dropped looking at him removing his shirt. I've seen in movies with men having abs like this. This was the first time I'm seeing someone with a body like this.
Lia stop staring at his body.
I decided to look away but he was looking at me with a smirk on his face.
What the fuck.
He should have thought of me as a creep.
He was wiping the wound ,which was pretty bad. It looked so painful but he didn't even flinch a little. He was like wiping someone else's wound.
Did he forget me.
"Who are they?" I asked trying to break the silence.
"I have no idea Lia" he said .
He remembers me.
Hearing my name in his deep voice was satisfying.
I hid the smile on my face .
"You can sit if you want" I said as I pointed at the bed.
He walked to the bed and sat down.
"I'm sorry if I have spoiled your alone time". He said.
"Not a problem. But how are you sure I was alone. What if I was waiting for someone else or what if someone left before you arrived". I asked raising one of my eyebrow .
He smiled .
He smiled.
"I just know." He said.
"But,how?" I asked as I sat on the couch opposite to him.
Before he opened his mouth my phone rang ,it was my mom.
"Lia, your dad just fell asleep. I am sorry I was not able to defend you today. You know how your dad feels if I talk anything against him. I am so sorry dear.I will talk to you in the morning " She whispered in the call. My eyes were filled with tears.
I didn't know if it's because my mom being afraid to talk and console her own daughter or for the way my father treats me.
I wiped my eyes quickly and turned to look at him.
He was looking at me as if he saw an injured puppy.
I just sat on the couch and looked down at my feet without uttering anything.
I was afraid that I was going to burst out of tears.
Then the strangest thing happened. He walked in front of me .
Knelt down on one leg .
His eye level matched mine. He was so close. So close. He smelled like wood and soil.
I looked at him at his face , his eyes and his neatly trimmed beard and then his lips.
He gently pushed my hair behind my ear and brushed my chin with his thumb.
His eyes were looking straight into my soul.
His eyes.
He didn't utter a word. I didn't even blink. I was afraid of doing anything. I was afraid that whatever was happening right now will change. The world stilled.
What is going to happen next?
Suddenly there was a loud thumping on the door.
"Arnav! It's Vikram . We have to get out of here immediately. Hurry up!"a man was shouting outside.
Arnav made a sigh and looked at me again.
"Lia I have to go now". He said as he stood up.
I just nodded my head. I watched him walk to the door. Before he opened the door he looked at me.
"Lia I was sure that you were alone before ,because if you had a boyfriend he would have been here early as possible and he would have never left this place .
He can  never stay away from you.
I have a strong feeling that you are addictive as fuck."
He said as he looked at me and then turned away immediately and unlocked the door .
He left.

Thank you all for reading this till the end.
The response for chapter 1 was huge which made me post  chapter 2.
This is my first time writing and I finally found the confidence to post it.
I gained the confidence from my Instagram family . Thanks a lot again.
Feel free to dm me your view of this chapter.
The next chapter will be posted soon .
Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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