Chapter 1 Lia

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The game is to not cry in front of everyone.
I told myself.
But I was going to loose it.
The trip started yesterday and already I am starting to fall apart. If it is not this stupid tradition of going on a trip with my family every year , I would have never left my room . My mom says that I am too sensitive and I try to take everything to heart.Maybe she's right. Already my whole family thinks that I am too sensitive and I overreact to everything, so if I cry now then it's over.

I walked from the food counter to my table and when I was about to sit,the chair moved and I fell on the floor with the soft drink  , which poured all over me . "Lia are you alright?" Sasha rushed to help me. I found some of them laughing and some of them looking at me concerned. Another guy who was standing next to Sasha , picked up my purse and handed to me. I didn't want to look at anyone's face because it was so humiliating to fall in front of everyone especially infront of my cousins. My father had a disappointed expression as if I did it on purpose. My cousins were trying to control their laughter. I expected such behaviour from these rats as they hate me for no reason.

"You are not following drama ,drama follows you"  Tara said trying to provoke me. Before I thought completely I acted upon my impulsive thoughts and pushed the soft drinks towards her. Her face reddened with anger when she was covered with soft drinks . I felt a kind of relief which is unexplainable. She deserved that. My satisfaction was washed away immediately when my face burned with the sudden slap from my father. The whole food court saw me. Some pitied and some ignored. My vision blurred I ran towards the restroom. I wanted to get far away from that embarrassment. Far away from everything. I have no idea where I am running towards. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I got outside of the park. I wanted my father to regret for hurting me like this , for embarrassing me in front of so many.

There was a horse stable, I just sat there on the bench, I was surrounded by horses and horse shit. I cried out loud. So loud. I wiped my eyes so many times but the tears never stop.
A hand was extended in front of me with a tissue. A shadow covered me. "Here, have this". I refused but then I took it from his hand. "Do you need some water?" He asked with his eyes filled with concern.
He looked at me like an injured puppy trying to walk. His tone was so authoritative yet so gentle.

He slowly sat on the bench next to me. I was just speechless. "Good thinking".
He said with a small grin. I was so confused. "What?".
"The way you pushed the soft drinks on her". He said.
I couldn't stop the smile which was blooming  on my fae.
"Thank you and I am Lia" I said. I don't know why I introduced myself but I did.
"I am Arnav" .
Arnav. Arnav .Arnav. I registered it in my mind.

He was looking at my eyes and for some reason I couldn't stop looking at his. The sunlight falling on his eyes made them  look like honey.
I was interrupted with my phone suddenly ringing.
It was Sasha, "Lia your father is angry because you left like this, comeback soon. He is shouting at your mom in front of everyone".
If I go out of my ways,my mom will be the one who will be facing the consequences  that's the only reason that is stopping me from getting away from this toxic household.
This thought made my eyes tear. "I have to go ,thank you for being there" I said as I stood up from the bench.
"Wait", Arnav said as he caught my hand.  I just froze.
Did he just touch me?
He stood facing me and moved closer to me,
Very close.
He held both my hands and said "Don't let anyone hurt you. Even if It's your father".He said as he wiped my tears with his one hand and slightly caressing my face. Very slightly.
Then he just left while I stood there frozen.

Thank you all for reading this till the end. You have given me constant support in Instagram and I am so grateful for that.
This is my first time writing and I finally found the confidence to post it. I gained the confidence from my Instagram family . Thanks a lot again.
Feel free to dm me your view of this chapter.
The next chapter will be posted soon based on this response.
Love you all.

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