Chapter Fifteen: Meant To Be

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As you pulled away from Draco, the two of you laughed, all of this was new to you both.

Not the part where you secretly loved each other for years but actually admitting it.

It was a strange feeling but a good one.

"I wasn't expecting this to happen tonight" Draco smiled as he brushed your hair away from your face.

"Me neither" you replied, smiling back at him.

Draco got up and gave you his hand to help you up.

"Let's get back before Snape notices we're gone" Draco said as he pulled you up.

The two of you ran through the corridor yet again, both smiling back and forth.

As you got back to the classroom you let out a huge sigh of relief.

Snape had still not returned which gave you just enough time to finish tidying the potions classroom.

You made your way over to the cauldrons, each one had to be specially cleaned with no magic.

Draco started to clean the mess that the students who were in there last had made.

It had been about an hour and you had finished cleaning all the cauldrons, put all the ingredients in a pile for Professor Snape to sort and stacked all the stools in the corner of the room.

Just as you finished sweeping the floor, Professor Snape burst in through the door.

"Hm" he said as he examined every corner of the room.

Draco looked over to you and smirked.

"I suppose this is up to my standards, you may leave-" Professor Snape mumbled.

"Thank you sir" you replied.

"I was not finished" Professor Snape raised his voice.

"Sorry Professor" you replied as you turned around. 

"I must inform you of the seriousness of taking part in any sort of communication whatsoever during an exam, especially as your head of house" Professor Snape said.

"I apologise, Professor, it will not happen again" Draco replied.

Draco looked over to you, gesturing for you to agree.

"Oh yeah, Sorry professor. I assure you it won't happen again" you replied while trying to hide the smirk on your face.

Draco was standing in the corner of the room also trying to hide the fact he was trying not to laugh.

"Good, now you may leave" Professor Snape said looking confused. 

The two of you ran out the big wooden door.

"Return straight to your dormitory's!" Snape shouted down the corridor. 

Of course the two of you weren't going straight to your dormitory's.

You walked the complete opposite way to the Slytherin Common room. 

Draco, of course, followed you.

"Y/n, where are we going?" Draco asked, just trailing along behind you with his hands in his pockets.

"Just trust me" you replied, now running.

After running for what seemed days, you finally reached the place you had always wanted to take Draco.

The time was never right but now, the time was more right than ever.

A field full of flowers with a river that flows through the middle, a small spot with a weeping willow that you usually lay underneath and watch the stars.

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