Chapter Six: Cedric Diggory

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"Shit I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" you said while picking up your books that fell to the floor.

"No worries, I'm Cedric Diggory. Who are you?" The tall brunette responded with a smile while helping you pick up your books.

"I'm y/n, y/n Bloodmire" you introduced yourself while getting up off the ground.

"Pleasure, I haven't seen you around much. What year are you?"

"Third, what about you"

"I'm a fourth year"

"Cool, well uh I better be going-
and thanks again for helping me"

"No problem. Oh- would you uh maybe want to hang out sometime?" He asked nervously.

"Uh yeah, why not?" You replied with a smile.

"Okay, cool. Bye, y/n!" Cedric beamed.

"Bye Cedric!" You smiled.

After he left you stood aghast, nobody ever asked you out.

They were either too scared or thought you were with Draco, or so you heard.

You ran as fast as you could to find Pansy knowing she also had a free period.

Finally, after 20 minutes of searching, you found her sitting just outside of the Ancient Runes classroom, reading while waiting for the class to finish so she could see Blaise.

"Hey y/n, you oka-"

"Pansy! Black lake. Now!" You interrupted her excitedly while dragging her, not even giving her time to respond.

"Y/n what's going on? Why are you so hyper?!" She asked.

"I think a fourth year may have just asked me out?!" You said in disbelief.

"Oh-My-God. Who?!" Pansy replied enthusiastically.

"You know that tall brunette who we both used to think was cute last year?" You exclaimed.

"No way" Pansy squealed.

"Yes way!" You squealed with her.

"Soo, do you think you'll go out with him?" She asked

"Uhh I'm not so sure, it would be nice but we do have exams soon."

"Oh y/n don't be such a spoilsport, come on it'll be fun. You never go out unless it's with me, Blaise and, or Draco" she whined.

"Okay, maybe I'll go. On one condition" you said pointing your finger.

"And this condition is..."

"You go out with Blaise. This weekend"

"Y/n that's way too soon! I don't even know if he feels the same way yet I thought he did but you can't just assume things!"

"Come on pans, don't be such a spoilsport" you mocked.

"Fine. I'll go. But you HAVE to go out with the fourth year"

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