Chapter Three: First Night Back

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You were both running through the corridor, robes flapping through the wind, hair bouncing. You tried to get there as fast as you could so you weren't late for dinner.

It took you both 2 minutes to get there, luckily the first years hadn't arrived yet. You and Draco walked over to the Slytherin table.

All your friends were sat down already, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle were irrelevant, they hung around with Draco for the first two years, now they just tag along. No one really likes them though.

"Hey guys" you said as you were sitting down.

"Hey y/n" Blaise and Pansy both said in sync, they both looked at each other and laughed.

Crabbe and Goyle just nodded in your direction.

You and Pansy were really good friends, but for the first two years of Hogwarts, you didn't really like each other much.

Pansy used to have a huge crush on Draco, it didn't bother you much but she was just all over him every second of every day, it was a bit much.

But over time you got used to it. She had a new crush anyway, it was only very recently that she told you about it.

Only the two of you knew who it was.

It wasn't long before the first years arrived, you had already warned Draco about his behaviour and told him to be kind. You also spoke to Crabbe and Goyle as they liked to follow in Draco's footsteps. Poor Neville Longbottom never got a break, you actually kind of felt bad for him.

The doors to the great hall had suddenly started to open, you were getting excited. You always loved seeing the new students and seeing how tiny they were. They reminded you of what you were once, it made you sad that you were growing up.

The first years walked in, the biggest smile was planted on their tiny faces. You remembered your first day, you were just as mesmerised as they are now.

The enchanted ceiling, the professor's table, the uniforms, everything was so perfect.

"Just wait until they see the feast dumbledore's organised" Pansy said glancing at the first years.

"It's always over the top on the first day back" Blaise added.

There was a blonde boy in the group of first years, his hair was slicked back with gel, he had light blue eyes, he was in between two dark-haired boys. He reminded you of Draco, then the memory hit you.

"Oh my god, remember when Draco used to gel his hair?" You said starting to giggle uncontrollably.

"Every morning, he'd walk into the common room and his hair would be rock solid" Blaise said laughing so hard it hurt.

"I don't know what you're talking about, my hair was perfectly fine" Draco grunted.

He rolled his eyes and directed his gaze towards the front of the hall.

You nudge him, "we're only joking stupid, we love you really" you said, the laughter dying down.

"Good. You better be" he said sternly and rolled his eyes again.

The first years were all sorted into their houses, about 27 of them were sorted into Slytherin. You loved seeing their little faces around the common room once in a while, you wished you were that young again.

Dumbledore did his annual speech he always does, it was pretty much the same every year. It normally lasted about a minute and a half. You didn't mind though, you liked dumbledore.

The feast then appeared in front of your very eyes, you could hear the gasps coming from the front end of the table. The first year's faces had lit up, they'd never seen anything like this.

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