Chapter Fourteen: Detention

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As you got back to your dorm, you realised Professor Snape hadn't indicated the time and place for your detention.

Normally, Snape held detentions in the potions classroom just after dinner.

So, you decided that you would go to the potions classroom just after dinner had finished as you had no intention whatsoever of asking Draco.

"So you're going to try and get a detention so I don't have to be with him alone" you asked.

"I'll do my best y/n but knowing Snape, he'll figure out what I'm up to in no time" Pansy replied.

"So when is the detention?" Pansy asked whilst she was rushing to get ready.

"I'm not sure, no way am I going to ask Draco" you mumbled.

"What are you going to do then?" Pansy replied.

"Snape usually stages detentions in the potions classroom after dinner so, I guess I'll go there" you sighed. 

"You can be so stubborn sometimes y/n" Pansy rolled her eyes.

"How am I stubborn? How do you expect me to act when he tells me he loves me in front of the two people I hate the most?" you yelled.

"At least he told you" Pansy replied.

"Yeah but why couldn't he have told me in a nice, romantic way like every normal person does" you sighed. 

"You should know him by now, it's Draco, he's not normal. Never has been" Pansy laughed.

"I suppose you're right" you smiled.

After you helped Pansy get ready to meet Blaise, you decided to do some more studying before dinner.

The hours flew by, you glanced over at the clock and realised the time.

"Shit, I'm late for dinner" you sighed.

You packed everything away and made your way down to the great hall.

"Where've you been?" Pansy asked.

Draco was nowhere to be seen.

Thank Merlin.

"I was studying and I didn't realise the time" you said as you sat opposite Blaise and Pansy.

The smell of all the freshly cooked food made your stomach rumble.

"Did you manage to try and get detention?" You whispered to Pansy across the table.

"I did but Snape gave me a detention for tomorrow instead" Pansy replied.

"Snape must've known you were up to something, he doesn't miss a trick that one" you sighed. 

"I suppose you'll just have to wait it out, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think" Pansy reassured you.

"I hope it's not, I hate fighting with Draco but it's about time he gets a taste of his own medicine" you said as you piled food on my plate.

"It's about time who gets a taste of his own medicine?" A voice said as it approached you.

The voice was very familiar to you, you turned around and saw Draco.

"Uh- Snape, he caught Pansy slipping a sleeping Draught into his drink" you stuttered.

"Stupid sod gave me a detention" Pansy rolled her eyes.

"When for?" Draco asked.

"Tomorrow" you replied.

"That's too bad, y/n and I have detention tonight" Draco smirked.

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