Chapter Four: The First Full Day

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It was the next morning, the sun was beaming through the windows around the room, blinding you.

You turned your head towards your bedside table, it was 7:30 am. Classes started in an hour and a half. A loud growl came from your stomach.

Pansy had already left, she liked to get up early. You had a quick shower, brushed your teeth, curled your hair, got dressed, did your makeup and made your bed.

You had 10 minutes to get upstairs to the great hall to eat with everyone else.

You grabbed the books you needed for the day, straightened your robes and rushed through the common room.

The doors closed behind you and you ran as fast as you possibly could to the great hall.

People were just sitting around in the corridors, some doing homework that was due next lesson, some making out, some gossiping, all sorts. You imagined that's how it was going to be for the rest of the school year.

You walked through the huge doors into the great hall, not many people were sitting down. You caught Draco's eye in the corner of the room, he waved you over.

You hurried over to your friends, they were waiting for you.

"Sorry guys, I woke up a bit late I got here as quick as I could" you said out of breath.

"It's okay y/n, I don't mind waiting" Draco said.

Pansy and Blaise butted in "Neither do we".

"Thanks guys" you smiled in their direction.

You sat down on the oak bench, your plate was filled with sausages, eggs, bacon and pancakes.

It was now 8:45, classes were in 15 minutes. You and your friends had just left breakfast, Pansy and Blaise would probably run off into their own little world as they usually do, that meant you were left with Draco.

Which you didn't mind at all of course, he was your best friend.

You and Draco were just strolling around the castle grounds.

"So y/n both our birthdays are coming up soon, do you want to do something just us?. Besides, I don't really fancy a big fancy party this year. Mother and Father probably won't mind." Draco asked.

"Of course I do! We could go to Hogsmeade? Or we could go out on a drive! We should have a sleepover!" You said getting all excited.

"Okay, okay y/n. Calm down! We can do whatever you want just let me know when and where and I'll be there." He said chuckling.

The both of you just talked for a while about your birthdays and what you were going to do. Your first class of the day was DADA.

You, Draco, Blaise and Pansy practically all had the same classes. You and Draco made your way to the class.

There was a wardrobe at the front of the classroom, you'd seen one like this before. It's the type they kept creatures in. You gazed over to the other side of the classroom and saw the new teacher.

"He doesn't look like he's going to be that bad of a teacher to be fair" Blaise said.

"Yeah he actually seems alright unlike Lockhart" you sneered.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Professor Lupin. I am your new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, I will be teaching you for the rest of the school year taking place in the permanent absence of Professor Lockhart." The teacher introduced himself.

"Shall we get started then?" He then continued. He stood in front of a reasonably large wardrobe.

"Line up everyone, quickly now." Professor Lupin rushed.

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