Chapter 130: Betting the Gift

Start from the beginning

"Be quiet, and allow Eyvor to speak. This is your second warning; If I must do this a third time, I'll kick you all out of the Manor." Declared Elif sternly, his words causing everyone pressured to quiet down while slightly sweating.

With the dining hall now silent once more, I released the pressure and continued eating lightning cherries while shifting my focus back toward Eyvor, who gave me a thankful and apologetic expression.

'Don't mention it; just get back to what you were talking about.' Said Elif with a slight smirk via divine sense, to which Eyvor did.

"Seeing as everyone doesn't mind, I shall go ahead and open the gifts you all brought; I will first start with the Ancient Asura Clan." Announced Eyvor lightly as she picked up the dimension ring on the plate labeled Asura before inspecting the contents.

"Yes, she's opening mine first!" Said Echo with an eager smile, eliciting a chuckle from everyone who heard her.

When it seemed like Eyvor was done inspecting the contents of the dimension ring, she suddenly summoned three items from it and floated them in the air just before her.

'A bottle, a pill box, and, is that a cultivation manual?' Thought Elif as he and everyone else observed the three items currently floating in the air.

"Hmm, other than it being a middle-Divine tier, I don't know anything about this pill; Echo, do you happen to know what kind of pill it is?" Asked Eyvor as she eyed Echo after opening the pill box and inspecting the pill, though she came up clueless.

"Yes, I do; it is a unique pill created by us, Asura's, specifically for our use. It's called the Ikari-inducing pill; when you consume it, it converts your most prominent emotions into power, though for us, Asura's anger is our most prominent emotion, hence the name Ikari." Stated Echo with a smile.

"While it may not sound that powerful, depending on who uses it and at what time, it's possible to increase your cultivation base by two entire realms! Though theoretically, there is no limit to how high your power can increase, one's body can only withstand so much." Added Echo, causing everyone who heard her to be stunned at the pill's effects, given it is only a Divine tier.

"Ho, the effects are quite something; you wouldn't happen to have any extra pills on you that I could possibly purchase, do you Echo?" Asked Elif in interest as he glanced at Echo.

"If Prince Elif's get's one, I also want one!" Said Goliath with a large smile while eyeing Echo.

"I Apologize, but I don't have any extra; besides, even if I did have extra, it would only be one pill as even for me, they are somewhat difficult to acquire." Replied Echo with an apologetic smile.

"Well, that is unfortunate; however, do tell me whenever you acquire an Ikari-inducing pill, I'll make the deal worth it." Said Elif with a smile as he winked at Echo before focusing back on Eyvor, who was currently inspecting the cultivation manual.

"I'm sure you will, Prince Elif; ah, you too, Prince Goliath; I didn't forget about you. Whenever I quire an Ikari-inducing pill, I'll let the two of you know first." Stated Echo with a slight smile, while Goliath laughed in response.

"This manual; to anyone else, this would be useless, but to us Fairies, this is probably one of the best gifts you could give me! Thank you very much, Echo!" Exclaimed Eyvor with a large happy smile as she quickly stored the manual in her dimension ring.

"You're welcome, Miss Eyvor, and I'm glad you liked it." Replied Echo with a light smile.

"Mind telling us what it was, Echo? It must've been something special if Eyvor got so happy and excited?" Asked Birger as everyone else at the dining table focused on Echo in curiosity.

"It wasn't anything much, just a small piece of a mantra my uncle stumbled upon while exploring the OverRealm. It talks about using your emotions somehow to increase the purity of your soul or something similar. There wasn't much information we could glean from that small piece of paper; however, considering Fairies are born as souls, I figured it would be decently valuable to them, though it seems like I underestimated the value of it." Stated Echo with an awkward smile.

"Yes, from Eyvors reaction, I'd confidently say you've greatly underestimated its value to a Fairy." Said Shelia while nodding her head.

"Indeed, Echo, the Fairy Clan vehemently strives to increase our understanding of the soul, so a gift of that caliber is definitely going to be one of the best gives possible. It might even be the best gift she receives for her birthday." Said Patriarch with a smile, who was also very interested in examining the mantra.

When Patriarch Aasveig said that, I suddenly had a brilliant idea and couldn't stop smiling.

"I've suddenly thought of a great idea, everyone. Let's make a bet on whoever brought the best gift!" Announced Elif with a smirk, Goliath and Birger Quickly agreeing.

"Hahaha, what a genius idea! Count me in!" Said Goliath excitedly while laughing.

"Ho, you know I can't refuse a gamble, Prince Elif. So how much are we betting?" Said Birger with a slightly eager smile.

"However much you want, but if you end up betting a low amount, it'll just show that you don't have confidence in your present." Stated Elif as he summoned a beautiful silk sack from his dimension ring and placed it on the table.

"I'm obviously confident in my present, so I'll be betting one-thousand low-Immortal spirit stones." Declared Elif with a triumphant smile, his words nearly causing Shelia and Goliath to spit out the contents of their drink.


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