Bottleneck Strategy

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Lan XiChen's POV

The flight to Cloud Recesses starts off quietly. XiChen is still upset, remembering what Lan Zhan said to them just before they left Yiling.

"As this might be the last time I see you...."

His baby brother has grown up so well, but it is heartbreaking to hear such words fall from his lips. War is never easy, and the reality of their situation crashes down on him with the weight of an almighty anvil. He himself is the Sect Leader, and it will be his responsibility to make sure that the maximum number of people survive in his clan, and in Caiyi Town.

In that respect, they're lucky that Cloud Recesses is situated high up in the mountains. There is a long and winding trail that curls through and around huge forests, much of it left to nature to tend. The trees have grown wild and free, the undergrowth of bracken and weeds too thick to parse, therefore an unintentional and unforgiving barrier for anyone wishing to come up the mountain that way.

If an army has to walk up all those steps, they will be fatigued by the time they reach the Ivory Pillars of Cloud Recesses. Also, they might try to attack from above.

It is a devastating betrayal of Qingheng-Jun to seek help from Wen Ruohan of all people, just because he cannot cope with change. Unfamiliar fury races through his body as XiChen struggles to control himself. His sword shakes, and Uncle Qiren notices.

He waves the other six cultivators flying behind them to move up ahead, and then he brings his sword closer to XiChen.

"What is the matter, XiChen?" He keeps his voice low so that no one may overhear them.

Their accompanying Clan members are in front, further away but still visible. They're flying into the wind as well, so he knows his words won't carry.

"It will be a shorter answer to tell you what isn't the matter, Shifu." XiChen doesn't mean to sound so melancholy.

"Mn. There are dark times ahead. I will not lie to you with platitudes or flowery praise, son. But I want you to know, you and A-Zhan, both of you are important to me. I am on your side, no matter what happens, and together, we can get through this."

"Thank you, Shifu. I have never told you this, but I feel so much better to know that an elder is so wholly available for me to ask advice from. I do not feel so alone because you have been with me every step of the way, more so than even my own father. I am angry about him." XiChen admits. He feels ashamed of saying that, no matter how true his words are.

"My brother is going to be a problem. He knows how to get into Cloud Recesses, and the passage through the back hills. Also, even within our own ranks, he still has a lot of support. We will need to show proof of his betrayal. And there is another worrying matter." Uncle Qiren strokes his whiskers thoughtfully.

"What is it?" XiChen wants to know, even if his mind is desperately throwing up walls to protect himself. The feelings of being overwhelmed are close though not yet upon him.

"The dagger that Xue Yang used on the children, though I should not call them that any longer."

"What about it?"

"It was gold. And the carvings upon it were distinctly of a south-western tradition."

"You think the Jins are involved?" XiChen sounds sharp, and he winces because they have always been told not to speculate but to use logic and proof to form opinions.

Uncle Qiren looks proudly at him. For all his diplomacy, XiChen has proved himself time and again for his intelligence. It is a noble gift for someone in power, to understand things quickly and XiChen has it in spades.

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