Twist of the Sword

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Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren POV

"It's too quiet," Cangse Sanren says to her husband.

As the boat they're standing on approaches Lotus Cove, Wei Changze reaches for his wife and wraps his arm around her small waist. They have been here many times before. But tonight, there is a heaviness in the air. Tonight, the normally welcoming warm breeze is cold, penetrating their robes with icy barbs.

The last time they were in Jiang territory, Cangse Sanren almost lost her life. That memory has Wei Chanze pulling his wife of twenty two years closer against his side. He looks at her and sighs at her beauty. Not even time can dim her bright eyes nor wrinkle her soft skin. The fear he felt when she was brought back, bloodied and unresponsive, surges inside him. He lets out a stuttering breath. Knowing that his soulmate almost died here nearly six months ago has him pressing a warm kiss to her temple.

"I love you," he murmurs.

She turns her head and smiles up at him. "I love you, too."

As their boat approaches the empty dock, Wei Changze readies himself to tie it securely to the large post closest to the shoreline. In one leap, he lands elegantly on the worn boards and wraps the thick rope expertly before offering his hand to his wife.

"So, how do you want to play this?" he asks.

Without a word, Cangse Sanren unsheathes her sword, Heping*, and begins marching towards Swords Hall.

"Woah there, tigress!" Wei Changze says, his hand reaching out for his wife's hand wielding her sword.

She stops and turns towards her husband, glaring at him with daggers. Chills run down his spine at the hatred burning in her silver eyes.

"I want her dead as much as you do, my sweet, but this is not just about our vengeance."

"She whipped our son with Zidian. He was just a child." she growls, her hand shaking with fury.

"I know. Trust me, she will pay for what she has done to our boy. But we need evidence of her collusion with the Wens first. Then you can kill her."

Cangse Sanren huffs. She hates it when her husband is right.

"Fine. But once we have the evidence, that bitch is mine."

"You can have the first strike, but I want the last."

She grins wickedly at her husband. "And we'll share all the ones in between."

They share an evil smile and a nod of agreement.

She resheaths her sword and takes a deep breath before they continue on. Her steps are perfectly synchronized with her husband's as they move quickly to the inner part of Lotus Pier. There are very few guards which they find unusual considering Lotus Pier was recently invaded. Perhaps Madam Yu was still playing the victim. More likely, though, she felt no need for extra protection given her alliance with the Wens.

They easily maneuver past the guards using the pale moon's shadows as their shields. Their steps are light and quick, their movements as graceful as a stealthy feline.

Once they reach Swords Hall, Wei Changze takes position beneath an open window, his wife crouching behind him. Cautiously, they peek inside to see Yu Ziyuan and her son finishing their evening meal. Well, Madam Yu is eating. Jiang Cheng is scowling at his rice as if it offended him by being white.

"Everything will be fine, A-Cheng. I've told you before, the Wens will not attack us."

"But our scouts have seen the QishanWen armies heading to all of the other sects. They're bound to come here. They came before and took Wei Wuxian. What makes you so sure they won't come for us again?"

Solstice Souls: Solstice Sons (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora