Promises Made

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Wei Ying POV

Dearest Wei Ying,

I wanted to stay but tradition has forced me to leave you. So, I am writing this letter in hopes it will ease your sadness at not finding me by your side.

I first met you as Mo Xuanyu, My Dancer. You were elegant, ethereal, and beautiful. My heart was forever yours. And then I met you again but as Suibian, My Equal. You were gifted, courageous, and daring. My mind was instantly intrigued. And finally, I met the real you, My Wei Ying. You were kind, intelligent ,and loving. My soul was finally complete.

I never knew my life could be filled with such color, such excitement, and such happiness until you entered it. Your smile brightens my world and your laughter heals my heart.

You are mine and I am yours. Forever. It always has been and always will be our fate. In this lifetime and all the ones that follow, I will find you, treasure you, protect you, and love you.

Wei Ying is my favorite place to be.

Eternally Yours,

Lan Zhan

After a quick bath, Wei Ying sits on the edge of his bed holding Lan Zhan's letter in his hands. He's lost count of how many times he's read it. He has no idea how much time has passed. But what he does know is that he is the luckiest person in the world.

He's marrying his Lan Zhan today!

A soft knock on his bedroom door jolts him from his fixation with the letter.

"A-Ying," his mother calls. "It's time to get ready."

She enters slowly but Wei Ying can see the excitement in her eyes. "Mama! Look what he wrote me!" he says giddily as he stands up and waves the small piece of paper in front of her.

Cangse Sanren takes the letter in one hand and quickly reads her future son-in-law's loving words.

"He's quite a catch, isn't he, baobie?" She wipes the tears welling in her eyes, her smile an exact match to her son's.

Wei Ying's lips turn into a devilish grin. "He certainly is, mama."

She giggles at her naughty little boy and tries to change the subject. "I brought your robes. Would you like to see them?"


Cangse Sanren sets the box she's holding in her arms down onto the rumpled bed and steps back. Wei Ying traces the engravings of red camellias and black crows on the wooden lid with the tips of his fingers. Most people didn't know that their clan spirit animal was the crow. He remembered asking his mother when he was four why the noisy black birds had been chosen as such.

They're just like our little A-Ying. Crows are highly intelligent. They're good at finding solutions to problems like dropping nuts from very high up to crack them open. They know how to have fun and are capable of pulling pranks on each other. They are fierce protectors of their children and family just like we protect you. Their family bonds are deep and strong just like the bonds of our clansmen. Many people believe they are harbingers of death and therefore evil. What they don't know is that crows mourn their dead, just like humans do. They learn from the one that perished so that others might live. We need to do the same. We need to learn from those who go before us whether in battle or sickness. If we don't, we will never survive what's to come.

Wei Ying's hand pauses a moment, grateful for the life he has been given. His mother places a gentle hand on his arm. Her touch is a welcome reassurance that, no matter what happens after tonight, his parents will always be by his side. They will support him and Lan Zhan and stand with them to face the future before them. He places a tender kiss on the top of her head before slowly removing the lid.

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