The gesture left Meerab momentarily speechless. "Thank you," she finally whispered.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up later. But if I get a bit late, I'll ask Farukh to come, okay?"

"Okay. Bye," Meerab said as she left.

As Meerab entered the mall, she couldn't help but stare at the card Murtasim had given her. It wasn't just any credit card; it was a black card, a card with no spending limit. The weight of the gesture left her both puzzled and intrigued. Why did he give her something so extravagant?

Meerab had never take money from anyone ever since she had turned sixteen. Independence had always been her mantra. Despite being the only child of his father, who kept on insisting that everything he had was hers, she had been earning her own keep. This self-sufficient spirit extended even to her orphanages, where she steadfastly refused her father's financial assistance, tirelessly seeking funds on her own. After all, her dad had already done enough by building the orphanage and giving it to her, but now, it was her job to maintain it.

However, now as she was holding the sleek black card in her hand, Meerab felt a subtle shift. It wasn't just about money; it was a gesture that went beyond financial support and the thought made Meerab's cheeks turn pink. "I'm your husband, I deserve to do this much right?" his words echoed in her mind as she strolled through the mall.

Maybe her husband wasn't Elon Musk, but he did come close, Meerab giggled at her own words as she continued to explore the shopping mall until her eyes fixed on a jewelry shop, where she saw a woman adorned with a piece of jewelry that shimmered and sparkled like a star, something that made Meerab feel intrigued.


Murtasim wasn't able to pick Meerab up. He had found himself entangled in the complexities of legal matters, battling the intricacies of factory issues, taxations, and machinery payments that detained him far beyond his usual return time. Weary and burdened with the day's challenges, he made his way to his room, each step heavier than the last.

Upon entering, he saw Meerab, standing by the bed, that was filled with her shopping spree. Clearing his throat, Murtasim spoke, "Wow, looks like you raided the whole mall tod—" His words trailed off abruptly as Meerab turned towards him, and his eyes fixated on her transformed appearance.

In that moment, Murtasim's gaze was arrested by a tiny piece of jewelry that adorned Meerab's nose—a nose ring with a delicate stud on it. It looked as if a small shining star had been delicately placed on her face. The miniature star, reminiscent of a cosmic constellation, danced along the contours of her nose, capturing the very essence of her celestial beauty.

As Murtasim stood there, time seemed to momentarily stand still. The weariness that clung to him disappeared, being replaced by an undeniable sense of warmth. He couldn't help but think that Meerab looked not just pretty, but absolutely enchanting in this newfound embellishment. The nose ring accentuated her features, adding a touch of celestial grace to her already captivating presence.

In a moment of anticipation, Meerab eagerly asked, "So, how do I look?"

Murtasim, as if entranced by her newfound radiance, whispered, "Beautiful."

"Really?" Meerab sought reassurance.

Shaking his head, Murtasim trying to break free from the enchantment, cleared his throat, and replied, "Yeah. It looks really good. Its—it suites you."

Meerab's smile widened, a subtle victory dance playing in her eyes. "I knew it would look good on me. I saw this lady at the mall getting her nose pierced, and it got me thinking—would it suit me or not? But then I felt a bit adventurous, and I decided to go for it."

The Eclipsed HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin