Trouble with Parents

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"Gracie.. wait.. your parents are home" Y/n mumbles against Gracie's lips as she lays on her girlfriend's bed.

"So just be quiet. The walls are pretty thick" Gracie murmurs in reply as she pushes her lips against her girlfriends again and shifts so her leg is between
Y/n's legs.

"Henry is literally in the room next door. Do you want him to hear?" Y/n pushes Gracie away and sits up against the headboard, pushing her shirt back down from where Gracie had moved it.

"C'mon babe, we got caught at school. We have a lock now. We can actually do something" Gracie whines as Y/n sighs in reply before moving closer to her girlfriend and connecting their lips once more, wrapping her arms around Gracie's neck. Gracie slowly pushes her girlfriend back against her bed before they hear a voice.

"Gracie! Y/n! Come down here please!" Gracie's mum yells from downstairs.

"She sounds mad" Y/n whispers as Gracie groans before walking down the stairs, Y/n following behind.

"Mum we were kinda busy, will this take long?" Gracie asks impatiently as she plays with Y/n's fingers.

"I just got off the phone with your principal. Do either of you want to explain to me why he told me you both missed your maths test today?" Katie turns her gaze away from the dinner she was cooking to look the two teenagers in the eye.

"Uh.. we missed the bus.. we had to get the later one" Gracie comes up with an excuse only for her mom to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Really? Because your brother told me your test was in the middle of the day and he saw you both in earlier classes. Apparently this isn't the first time you've skipped class" Gracie gulps audibly as Y/n looks at the carpet with a guilty look in her eyes.

"Ok, fine, we didn't miss the bus. We.. were late to the test and they said we could take it another day" Gracie scrambles for another excuse only for her mother to shut it down.

"Gracie, stop with the excuses. I know what you were doing. A few girls saw you in the bathroom and they went straight to your teacher. Now both of you listen to me. I know you're at that age where you both.. want to be with each other but there is a time and a place for those things. The high school bathroom during a test is not the time nor the place. You live right next door to each other, you don't need to sneak to the bathroom to make out"

"Yes mom, we get it. Are we dismissed?" Gracie mumbles in annoyance as Y/n continues to blush.

"Um, I should probably go home, actually. My moms gonna get mad if I keep spending the night here"

"Sure, I'll walk you" Gracie smiles at her girlfriend as Y/n says goodbye to the older woman before leaving the house with Gracie, hand in hand.

"I'm never making out with you at school again. That was so embarrassing!" Y/n exclaims as they walk down the street to her house.

"It wasn't that bad. My mom knows we do all that stuff. She's just pissed off that we missed the test"
Gracie replies, stopping when they get to her girlfriend's house.

"I don't care. It's either in one of our rooms or you don't get any" Y/n glares at her girlfriend before walking towards her front door.

"Babe, wait" she feels someone grab her arm, turning her around. She's about to speak when her girlfriend softly presses their lips together. Y/n wraps her arms around Gracie's neck as Gracie pulls her closer by her waist.

"Alright, that's enough Abrams" the two pull apart when they hear a voice coming from Y/n's front door.

"Mr. L/n! I was just leaving" Gracie stutters out nervously as she makes eye contact with her girlfriend's dad.

"Say goodbye Y/n" he says to his daughter as he continues to stare at the brunette.

"Bye Gracie. I love you" Y/n says to her girlfriend as she pulls her in for a hug.

"Bye N/n. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" Gracie gives her girlfriend one last peck on the lips before walking away, saying bye to her girlfriend's dad before hand.

Gracie sighs when she walks back through her front door before walking to her room, only to be stopped by her older brother.

"Damn Gracie. Getting it on at school? How'd you get Y/n to agree to that?" Henry teases causing Gracie to glare at him.

"Ugh, shut up" she grumbles in reply before walking into her room and closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, go call Y/n! Finish it off!" He yells to her teasingly.

"Dude! You're disgusting!" She replies as August stands behind them with a clueless look on his face.

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