MD Vampire AU Part 15

Start from the beginning

It was J.

Uzi froze, J wasn't moving, and her golden eyes were blinking loosely- trying to see what was infront of her. "N I swear to god if that's you..." J mumbled, sounding out of breath. Uzi shivered at her sharp tone, but felt safe enough to stand up due to J's clearly weakened position.

J glared at Uzi, before her eyes widened slightly in shock, seems like she finally realised Uzi wasn't N. "Human...." J mumbled, sounding half hungry and half desperate, Uzi couldn't help but take pity on J and kneel beside her to inspect for wounds.

As Uzi did her best to analyse J, the more experienced vampire bared her fangs, but was too weak to strike. "Did N do this all to you?" Uzi asked, genuinely concerned if N had the ability to be this brutal. "That- That idiot let me go...he could never do this" J coughed, her tone managing to sound sharp despite the situation.

"So who did?" Uzi asked, starting to remove small pieces of metal from J's arm, making her wince. J didn't answer, she was distracted by Uzi's open mouth, the purple teen smelt like a human- but had the fangs of a vampire just starting to breach her gums. "Who bit you?" J asked back, voice sounding calmer and more solid than before. Uzi sighed "N".

J scoffed as Uzi helped her sit up, "I asked him to dumbass, and he completely demolished you" Uzi snipped at J, making the former leader laugh slightly. Her laugh made Uzi uneasy, but not enough to make her want to run away, J was acting pretty different from what she'd been warned.

As if reading Uzi's mind, J smirked at her "Vampires have interesting rules for their leaders, I liked being in charge, but having a male alpha is far more interesting". Uzi was gonna ask what J meant when she suddenly stood up. "Is V with N?" J asked, apparently all healed despite being on her death bed five minutes ago. Uzi nodded at J, who groaned slightly before offering a hand, "Better not leave them alone, you're going have to fill me in on the way" J said, sounding genuine.

Little did the two of them know, but J was more than correct about leaving V and N alone, as while N continued to hunt normally- V was considering a different type of prey. She wanted N, she wanted him back, she wanted him to be hers again.

Ignoring what had happened over the past couple of months, N and V had also shared something, long before they were vampires. While Uzi's urges for N had been quenched, V's only grew fiercer with time, and worse as N became the alpha.

She stared at N, who was shuffling around on his feet, feeling the eyes on him. "N, can I ask you something?" V queried, earning a raised eyebrow from N. He stepped closer to try so she wouldn't have to yell the question, expecting it to be another backhanded insult of some kind.

As N came closer, V felt her emotions all pile up inside her, she need to release one way or another- or she'd be driven mad.

Disregarding all senses, V snatched the collar of N's coat, pulling him down into a rough kiss. N stood in shock, unable to move, when he regained his strength he tried to pull back- but it was too late.

"The fuck?!?" Uzi yelled, standing a foot away with J just behind her, hands on her hips. She had missed V's forcefulness and N's discomfort, from her angle it looked like a reciprocal kiss, the blush on both vampires faces didn't help.

Boiling tears raced down Uzi's visor as she felt her face flush, J said something, N said something, V smirked. It didn't reach her, all she could feel was pure rage and despair. The first person she'd opened her heart too- was still in love with V.

Of course he is, who would choose you over V?

N reached out to grab Uzi's hand and plead his innocence, but Uzi slapped his face, eyes still flooded with angry tears. Without another word she turned and raced away, N chasing her despite protests from V and J that he'd only make it worse.

He lost sight of his Uzi in the snow storm, and considered deploying his wings to hunt faster, but he didn't have to.

Just before N could catch up, Uzi slipped into the forest area, running at speeds even N couldn't match.

He'd lost her, even if he ran in after Uzi, there's no way he'd find her in there without-

Without daylight.

N glanced up, the moon was still out, with clouds blocking most of the stars. To find Uzi, he'd need light, the trees could shelter him just enough when the sun comes up.

Despite feeling desperate and terrible, N made the plan in his head, sunrise was only 2 hours away, Uzi shouldn't go too far.

Suddenly N heard the flap of wings behind him and saw V and J staring at him. V looking pissed and J seeming confused. N filled with rage at the sight of V, and his eyes became slits at her seeming uncaring attitude.

"Go back to the spire V, and don't you dare leave until I say so" N demanded, glaring V down. V gasped at N's aggression, but felt her guts twist, she had to obey him or else.

Without a thought she flew away, and N turned his attention to J.

"We need to talk"

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