Water Therapy - Energy Goes Where Focus Flows

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The benefits of hosing your horse doesn't stop at the initial cooling effects and cleaning the coat.

Who doesn't love a shower. We feel so refreshed after a shower or bath. We feel refreshed and invigorated after a swim in the ocean or creek or a pool.
That's why we feel so refreshed after rain.
Water is life
Our body's are 80% water
There is more water on the earth than land
I don't need to go on about it, you get the gist.

So when I'm hosing my horses I'm cooling there body, I'm refreshing them and relaxing muscles.

There is a soothing energy that flows through water. You cannot deny that.

Water therapy is used a lot.
Water Aerobics, water treadmills, bloody hell that's how windmills first worked - powered by natural streams to grind grains to make flower.
I hose my horses on particular areas to enhance the body's natural trigger points to relax them.

Like under their tail. Although at first it might be freaking cold and they might tuck there bum under so tight, but what did that just do... it triggered a natural body response to tense all of those muscles... but then comes relaxation, letting all them tension go and relax.
Sometimes to really feel how tight our body is we first need to realise how tense it is. And what better way then to tense our body's up even more.. like a spring. If you hold it tight enough blood hell that thing will bounce back.
After the initial shock the horses do really enjoy it. Just like us, someone spraying us with the hose, we squeal and arch our back, but we do feel cooler.
My horses move their tails from side to side ... what is that doing... moving there entire spine, relaxing the whole body!
A lot of chiropractors and equine body workers do tail pulls or different forms of manipulation to the tail.
For me personally I like to take a more relaxed approach.
You can't move that tail with force.. I'm not saying anyone does I'm just saying I love to initiate the body to work its own magic.
All I did was help them to find their own relaxation.
My horses will stand untied and out in the yard and let me hose them for 15-30 minutes some days. They simply walk away when they have had enough. I allow them to move where they want the hose and they know their body better than I do. I am just the one on the end of the hose suppling the energy flow.

So go grab the hose on a hot day and play under the hose with your horse like a kid.
When you think of a kid playing under the hose what thoughts pop into your mind. I bet there is a smile on your face already.

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