30 🗡️🖤🗡️ Trap

355 4 4

12th May

I open my eyes a tiny crack and sunlight streams into them. What the fuck? Where am I? The last thing I remember I was in the car park of the club, fighting...with you. What was it that happen- there was something important?

I crunch my eyes closed. Think....think....think....Oh fuck. I remember. You are like me. You are like Daddy. You live outside the law.... And I don't know if you're on my side...or theirs...

Where am I now? I force my eyes open again. Creak my neck to the side. Everything hurts.

I'm in the room. In the bed. I turn my head further, see your face on the pillow next to me. I'm with you. Ohhh fuck.

'Baby?' You say, so close that I feel your breath on my face. 'Are you OK? You look kinda pale? I've filled the bath tub. You look like you need some TLC.'

I try and smile, try and act like I am speaking to my boyfriend, like I didn't just find out that you are either my allie, or my enemy. 'I feel fucking terrible,' I croak, 'What the hell did I take last night? This can't just be alcohol and coke.'

'With Roxy? What did she give you?'

'I don't know. I don't know if it was her or someone else.'

'I warned you about her, Lilah. I told you she was trouble.'

My mind flashes back to the club, and the cage, and Roxy's maybe-first-husband, and maybe-second-wife. What the fuck did I think I was doing? In front of all those people.

Shit. You're going to blame Roxy. If I tell you what happened last night she's the first one in the line of your fire.

I can't tell you. I can't put her in danger. I'm going to have to front this out. Pray you never find out, or at least, but by the time you do, your recollection is hazy, and that you don't remember that Roxy was with me.

'I know you warned me, but I like her. She's my friend and you can't tell me who to be friends with.'

'She's not your friend Lilah. That's the last thing she is.' Your tone is harsh. Dismissive.

I clap my mouth shut to stop myself from arguing with you. I need to change the subject fast.

Your eyes are flicking across my face as if you've read the page of a book in a foreign language. And then your look changes. You catch the translation. 'Something happened last night. Something happened with Roxy,' you say.

I shake my head, jump from the bed, walk into the bathroom with you following close behind me.

'What happened Lilah?' Your voice has a low warning tone about it.

'Nothing, it's nothing,' I say, as I strip off my clothes and sink into the bath.

'Tell me,' you say.

I dip my head under the water desperate for silence and space. If only this was the ocean and I could sink to the bottom and swim away. I'm about to hurt you when I tell you what happened last night, and I can't face it.

Your hand is in my hair, pulling me up and out of the water. 'Tell me,' you demand.

I shake my head, tears coming.

You clamber into the bath, still wearing your jean and straddle me, your hands each side of my head. I fight against you, but your grip is too tight.

You're close to my face now, your words a little quieter, 'What. The. Fuck. Happened? Did someone hurt you?'

My mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. Your phone starts ringing in the other room but you ignore it.

'Tell me, tell me right now. What happened?' Your voice is becoming frantic and your phone is still ringing. What if it's someone who saw me last night?

Panic crowds on me, 'I have to get out, let me out,' I scream. 'Let me out, you're scaring me.'

You immediately let go of me and climb out of the bath. Your damn phone is still ringing. Is it someone calling you about me? I climb out of the bath, grab a towel and wrap myself in it.

The phone stops, and I remember how to breathe, gulping air down. Your jaw ticks as you watch me, and then your phone rings again. I look from you towards the ringing outside the bathroom door and back at you, shaking my head.

You cock your head to the side.

'Don't answer it,' I say.


'Just don't. Please, Mac. Don't answer it.'

But you're turning towards the bathroom door and I'm following you, you're making your way towards the phone and I'm trying to get there before you. But you snatch it up holding me away.

'What?' you shout into the phone. 'A what?... From last night?... Unleashed?...Yeah, send it now... Just send the fucking video.'

'No, Mac, no,' I gasp.

But you're opening the message, clicking onto it, falling to your knees, still wearing your soaked jeans, a puddle of water forming around your knees.

You look up at me, your face tight, 'I thought you were mine.'

'No, Mac, no, don't watch it. Please, no.'

But your eyes are back on the screen, and the sound of yesterday's party is blaring out as our world comes crashing down.

You look up at me, your eyes as dark as the deepest part of the ocean, and say, 'I am going to fucking kill them. I am going to kill all three of them.'

And then you're grabbing your shirt, and your pick up keys and storming towards the door. Just before you get to it, you turn to me and shout, 'Keys.'


'Give me your keys. Now.'

I run for my bag, but you beat me to it, grabbing out my key fob, which holds the front door keys and the key to my bike, and then you grab my phone.

You turn to me, sweep me to you, and say, 'This is not your fault. It's on me. I should've been there. But now I'm going to make up for it.' Then you're gone, locking the door behind you. Leaving me trapped with no way to warn Roxy or anyone else.

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