"Malfoy! Jordan! The game?"

"Sorry, Professor!"

"Nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes–" Lee picks back up.

"She's really flying–"

"Dodges a speeding Bludger–"

"The goalposts are ahead–"

"Come on, now, Angelina–"

"Keeper Bletchley dives–"



Gryffindor cheers fill the air while the Slytherins boo and groan.

"Fred Weasley expertly saves Keeper Harry Potter from death by Bludger–"

"Woman, how can you tell from here?!"


"Right! Slytherin in possession–"

"Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys, and Chaser Bell, and speeds toward the–"

"Wait a moment–"

"Was that the Snitch?"

Harry chases after the Snitch, but is blocked by Marcus Flint. Harry's broom spins off course, with the boy holding on for dear life. Celeste, and everyone else, is in outrage.


"After that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating–"

"Jordan!" growels Professor McGonagall.

"He means, after that open and revolting foul–"

"Malfoy, I'm warning you–"

"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure–"

"So a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Spinnet–"

"Who puts it away, no trouble–"

"And we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession."

Harry seems to have lost control of his broom. Celeste worriedly nudges Lee as the two keep commentating.

"Slytherin in possession–"

"Flint with the Quaffle–"

"Passes Spinnet–"

"Passes Bell–"

"Hit hard in the face by a bludger, hope it broke his nose–"

"He's only joking, Professor–"

"Slytherins score–"

"Oh no..."

The Slytherins cheer, but no one else seems to be noticing Harry's broom behaving strangely.

"Looks like Flint isn't the only one out to kill Potter today–"

"His broom's gone wild–"

"Merlin!" Celeste exclaims as the crowd gasps. Harry's broom just tried to throw him off and he was dangling from it with one hand. "If Potter dies, I'm murdering the Slytherin team–"


"She's joking, Professor–"

"No, I'm not–"

Professor McGonagall seems to be too worried for Harry to tell Celeste off again.

"Weasley twins try to save the day–"

"Potter's broom just jumps higher–"

"Go lower–"

"Try to catch him if he falls–"

The twins do just that, circling below Harry.
Nobody notices as Marcus Flint seizes the Quaffle and scores five times, everyone too worried about Harry.

"Oh! He's back on his broom–"

"He's speeding toward the ground–"

"Looks about ready to vomit–"

"He coughs up something–"

"It's the Snitch!"



The stands are filled with cheers as Celeste and Lee continue screaming the results at the tops of their lungs, the two throwing their arms around each other in celebration.

"Suck it, Slytherins–"


"Those dirty cheaters didn't stand a chance–"


Celeste runs down to the field and tackles George and Fred in a hug, accidentally knocking their heads together.

"OUCH!" they both exclaim.


She then goes and congratulates Angelina, Alicia, and Kaitie. She gives each girl a victory hug and they laugh at her excitement, all three just as excited as she is.

She sees Cedric and tackles him in a hug, too. Not because he played and won, but because she is still on cloud nine. Celeste Malfoy is a hugger, especially when she gets excited. He laughs and hugs her back.

"They won!"

"I saw!"

Celeste and the twins sneak down to the kitchens to get food for the afterparty. The blonde always takes extra care to be kind to the house elves, remembering Dobby back at Malfoy Manor. The three get the food and hurry back to their common room, where a small (by Gryffindor standards) party is already in swing.

If Gryffindors know how to do anything, it's celebrate. Someone's conjured bubbles that float all around in the room. Another person's charmed the lights to change colors to the beat of the music that Lee, the best DJ Celeste knows, is playing. Some of the older students have Firewhiskey, but they don't let any student under fifth year have any, much to the disappointment of Fred, Celeste, George, and Lee.

But, after Lee charms the song set to play without him, the four pretend to have Firewhiskey. It's really just Butterbeer in their cups, but they all act drunk anyway. It's a fun night. At the end of it, Celeste goes to sleep smiling.

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