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Amiro walked into Ozaki's office and stood in front of his desk. "Sir, I have something to ask you." His voice was low and had a hint of tiredness to it as he spoke, and Ozaki glanced up at him from some papers. "What is it, Amiro?"

"I'm keeping my dressing room unlocked tonight. Can you announce to everyone that they can just do whatever they want with me tonight? Only allow three in the room at a time though." Ozaki stared at Amiro after he'd said that. "Are you sure..?" Amiro nodded quickly and said, "Of course I'm sure; it's my treat to everyone tonight." He smirked, and then Ozaki nodded. "Fine. I'll tell them." Amiro smiled widely. "Thank you." He kisses his cheek and then leaves the room. He went back to his room, not even closing the door as he got undressed and sat on the sofa on the other side of the room.

He heard Ozaki make the announcement after a few minutes, and then soon after he saw three guys walk in and walk over to him. He let out a low sigh. Before standing up and walking over to them, he wrapped his arm around one of the guys necks and then looked at the other two. "You guys must be desperate. It's not even been a minute." He laughs and kisses one of them. He then felt two hands on his shoulders pushing him down, so he did what they wanted and got on his knees. He looked up at the one in front of him and began taking off their pants.

Once they were off, he licked up the base of their cock before taking it in his mouth. As he sucked the one guy's cock, he heard zippers being undone on either side of him, and he felt them guide his hands from the guy's thigh to their cocks. He obediently started stroking their hardening lengths, feeling the anticipation building in the room. The sounds of their moans and heavy breathing fueled his desire, intensifying the pleasure he was giving them. Then he felt the guy in front of him's hands grip onto his hair; it didn't feel nice like usual; it was almost painful, and then he felt the guy start thrusting roughly into his mouth. The forceful thrusts took him by surprise, causing a momentary discomfort. However, he continued to pleasure them. The intensity of the moment heightened as he surrendered himself completely to their desires.

He began to stroke the other two's cocks faster as the guy in front of him began thrusting faster. He gagged around his cock as he did so, and he heard a chuckle from above him. Despite the discomfort, he pushed through, determined to fulfill their desires. The sound of the chuckle above him fueled his determination, intensifying his strokes and deepening his commitment to their pleasure. After a few moments more of the quick, forceful thrusting and stroking of the others cocks, he felt the one in front of him cum, and he felt his cock get buried deeper into his throat as he did, which made him want to push away from all of them and tell them to leave, but he didn't. At least this wasn't as bad as some of the things people had done. This was normal compared to those things. Then, after a few agonizing seconds, he felt the guy pull out of his mouth and the other two step away from him. He then heard them zip their pants back up as they left.

He sat there coughing for a few seconds as he rubbed his neck and crawled over the trash can to spit out any cum he hadn't swallowed. Then he heard some more people coming towards the room, so he quickly stood up and put his act back on, just for them. Just for the night. He repeated the same thing for hours: a group would come in, they'd fuck him, he'd suck their dick, or he'd jerk them off, and they'd leave. For hours, this cycle continued. Then, at some point, he felt himself pass out. But even as he did, he could feel hands all over him; nobody stopped. Nobody cared to stop, and then he couldn't feel anything. He didn't know if anyone had stopped or if Ozaki had them leave, but he didn't care. He actually fell asleep. For once in five days, he was finally asleep.


Amiro woke up, not feeling the cold floor he'd passed out on; the cum that he was sure should have been dry and sticky on his body wasn't there, and he could feel he had actual clothes on now. Then he heard someone walking around, and the smell of food hit his nose. He sat up quickly; his body was sore, and his head hurt even more. He reached up to feel his head and felt a bandage wrapped around it. "What the fuck happened?"

"You passed out. And one of those guys busted your head on the floor." A familiar voice answered from across the room. He looked over. "Blaze? What are you doing here? You're not really the type to go into clubs or shit like that..." He looked at the person from across the room; their wings were folded behind their back, and they stared at him with emotionless yellow eyes. "I was coming by to tell your brother something. And the vibe just felt off in that club you work at, so I went to check it out. And I found you laying on the floor unconscious with your head bleeding while three guys just...yeah, you know." They gave a little disgusted look at the end, and Amiro nodded a bit.

"You didn't need to help me; I would've been fine."

"You were bleeding, Amiro, like a lot."

"And? It's not like you haven't seen me in worse conditions before." Amiro laughed, and Blaze shook their head. "This isn't something to joke about, Amiro." Amiro leaned upside down off his bed. "Why not? This isn't the worst thing I could joke about. I could joke about the time a guy tried to take my head off because of some kink he had or about the time a guy tried to brand me with his initials during a one-night stand and then tried to stab me to death when I told him no. Ooohhh, or the time my boss, the one before Ozaki-"

"Please just shut up about all of that. Stuff like that really isn't funny." Blaze cut him off, and he blinked a few times before sitting up. "Fine. But you really didn't need to help me, though." Blaze rolled their eyes and went back to cooking. "I'm making breakfast for you. So go sit down; I'll bring it to you." Amiro debated whether or not he should listen, but just decided to just listen. He really didn't feel like arguing with anyone today. So he stood up and walked over to the table. He sat down and waited. He petted his cat, Lilly, while he waited. And not even four minutes later, Blaze brought two plates over and sat down in front of him. "So, you and that guard, Komori? Are you two like dating now? Because he wouldn't shut up about you, he could hardly focus on what he was really there to do. He was too worried about you."

Amiro stared down at his food and began using his fork to move it around his plate a little. "Not exactly. I told him I don't do the whole dating thing anymore, but he could act like we were together, but I had to be allowed to hook up with whoever I wanted whenever I wanted." Amiro shrugged, and Blaze nodded. "What were you here to tell my brother anyway?" He took a small bite of his food and chewed it before swallowing. "I needed to tell him his soldiers were coming back today." Amiro's eyes lit up, and he looked at Blaze. "Is Komori back? When will they be back so I can be the first to welcome him back?" Blaze bit their bottom lip a little and glanced down. "About that..." Amiro tilted his head to the side a little and furrowed his brows. "About what?" Blaze shook their head. "He didn't return to the castle when he was called, but he wasn't found dead, like some others. So we don't know where he is."

Amiro dropped his fork. "He's lost? What do you mean? How do you lose an entire god?" Blaze shrugged. "I don't know; he was fighting some people, and then nobody saw him after that." Amiro felt his eyes tear up. "But he could still be alive, right?" Blaze stayed quiet. "Right?" His voice shook, and tears began falling down his cheeks. "Please tell me he could still be alive..." Amiro stared at Blaze, who didn't even move. Then, after a minute, they began to speak. "It's very unlikely. He was fighting at the edge of the ring, near some lava. He was very close to it, from what I last heard." Amiro shook his head and covered his mouth to muffle each pitiful sob that came from his mouth, and he shut his eyes tightly as he kept shaking his head.

'He can't be dead.' His mind screamed. 'Not dead, not dead, not dead, not dead...' It repeated, and then he was broken out of his thoughts by his name being called. His gaze shot up towards Blaze, who was now leaning over the table. "Breathe for me, okay? Take deep breaths." Amiro nodded and did as they said, taking a deep breath through his mouth and letting it out through his nose, and eventually he calmed down. Blaze sat back down in their seat. "If you would like, I can take you to Phalon, and you can look for him." Amiro nodded and wiped the tears off his face.

"We'll leave tomorrow. Okay?" Amiro nodded again and sighed. "I'm not hungry anymore..." He pushed his plate towards Blaze, and they sighed. "Okay, but I'll be here for a while, so I'm going to make sure you eat later." Amiro rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I feel like you were just here to make sure I was actually still taking care of myself." Blaze shrugged. "Maybe I am." They both laughed as Blaze stood up and took their plates to wash them. "Oh, give Lilly my bacon. She likes it." Blaze nods and tosses the two strips of bacon in the cat's food bowl before putting the rest in the trash and washing the dishes. 

Perfection of HellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin