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Amiro stepped into the changing rooms after his performance, he sat on the vanity table and stared at himself for a long while before wiping off the makeup he had on and then pulling out a cigarette as he leaned against the mirror and lit it. Ozaki didn't allow smoking in the club, but Amiro didn't care, besides, he did this all the time and he'd never gotten caught. Even if he did it wouldn't do anything, Ozaki liked him too much to care.

Once he'd gotten halfway through the cigarette, he heard a loud knock on the door causing him to flinch. He quickly put out the cigarette and put it away before quietly telling whoever was at the door to come in. And momentarily, the person on the other side hesitated before slowly pushing open the door. Then Komori stepped in and looked around, scrunching his nose at the lingering smell of smoke in the air, and as Amiro stared at him from his place on the vanity, he realised Komori never met his gaze. "So...Amiro." He finally spoke, "Can I speak to you, about the other day?" Amiro looked up at the ceiling as if pretending to think.

"Fine, have a seat." Amiro gestured to the chair and sofa in the room, Komori sat in the chair closest to the vanity. "Now talk away, it's not like I have anything better to do." Amiro sat up straight and looked at him. "I was thinking about what you said, about not wanting to hurt me like you do everyone else. And I thought, that maybe, if you were up for it, we could have an open relationship kind of thing. You could do whatever you wanted, but I do love you Amiro. I just..." Amiro cut him off.

"Komori no, I can't relationships aren't for me, and I've made that decision myself. We could stay how we were before, hooking up every now and then, but we can't be together. Hell, if you wanted you don't even have to leave after, we can pretend like we're together if that would make a difference, but none of that stupid love shit. I'm done with that kind of stuff." Komori just stared at him blankly before looking down, and Amiro swore he could've seen tears threatening to leave his eyes. "I suppose we could try that, and of course. None of the love stuff." Komori nodded slowly, and Amiro began to speak again. "But I must warn you, things aren't going to be perfect, nothing's ever perfect with me. You'll learn that quickly."

Komori nodded again, "Whatever happens I can handle it." Amiro chuckles. "Don't say that Komori, you haven't even seen half of what I do. I destroy everything nice, nothing ever stays when I get it." Amiro sighs. "Or at least nothing good." Komori looked up at him. "I'll stay, I don't care what you do. Nothing will change how I see you." Amiro gave him a blank stare before shaking his head. "You'll say that and then you'll leave me, you barely know me outside of my little act I put on for the kingdom."

"I may not know who you are below all of it but I've seen enough of your act slipping and coming down to guess what you're like." Hearing this, Amiro could almost laugh at how stupid Komori sounded. "You can't predict me, there's no way you can. I could be happy one moment and the next trying to rip your head off." Komori raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Amiro's response. "I understand that you have different sides to you, but that doesn't mean I can't try to understand you better. We all have our complexities and contradictions." Amiro's expression softened slightly, intrigued by Komori's persistence. "Well, good luck then. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Amiro watched as Komori nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "I won't give up easily," Komori said, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "I believe that beneath all those complexities, there is a genuine person who deserves to be understood." Amiro felt a flicker of hope ignite within him, a tiny spark that had long been dormant. Perhaps, just perhaps, Komori was different from the others. Maybe he could truly see beyond the surface and unravel the layers of Amiro's soul. With a mix of caution and curiosity, Amiro decided to take the risk and let Komori in. "Fine, since you seem so set on seeing how I am then I'll let you. But I don't expect this to last more than a few weeks."

Komori smiled and nodded, "Trust me, I won't leave you for anything." Amiro's face softened and he too smiled a genuine smile. "I hope you aren't just saying that." Komori chuckled and stood up, shaking his head. "I'm not, I promise." He stepped over to Amiro and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I'll see you after you get home, okay?" Komori whispered, pressing his forehead to Amiro's. "Alright, I'll see you then..." And just like that, Komori was gone. Amiro felt a soft blush creep up on his face as he sat there in actual silence. No little voice in the back of his head, no static. Just pure silence, and the clock ticking on the wall behind him.

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