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When Amiro awoke the next day, he was sore and could barely move to sit up. As Amiro glanced beside him, he found that Komori was no longer there. A note, some food, and water were by his bed, along with some medicine. He picked up the note, food, and water, placed them closer to himself, and then began to eat as he read the note.

'Hey baby, I had some things I needed to do; if I'm not back before you wake up, don't panic. I'll be back soon, I promise.

~Love Komori'

Amiro smiled softly and sat the note down as he finished his food. Although it seemed different from Komori's usual pain medicine, Amiro trusted that it was a stronger dose intended to alleviate the aftermath of the previous night. Unbeknownst to Amiro, a pair of eyes watched him intently from across the room, observing his every move. Eyes fixed on him, patient and vigilant. Amiro swallowed the medicine and laid back in bed. He grabbed his phone to text Crow and see if he wanted to hang out with him in his room. While waiting for an answer, he began scrolling on his phone. Little did Amiro know that the medicine was a potent sedative intended to incapacitate him. As he waited for Crow's response, his eyelids grew heavy, and just before he drifted off to sleep, he saw a pair of white wings by his bed, and a familiar figure, but he had no time to react before he drifted off to sleep.


When Amiro woke up again, everything was pitch black, and he could feel a slight cold breeze on his body. As he tried to move, he realised his hands were bound above his head, and his feet were chained to the ground, forcing his legs apart. That's when he heard a sinister laugh from across the room. Amiro's blood ran cold as he froze in place, his breathing quickening. "Is my little puppy finally awake?" He heard the voice close to his ear now, holding his breath, hoping and praying that this wasn't real. The voice chuckled, sending shivers down Amiro's spine as he realised he was in serious trouble. Desperation clawed at him as he fought against his restraints, a sense of helplessness growing within him. He felt a hand come down sharply on his cheek, and part of the blindfold was lifted as the person gripped his face. "You aren't going anywhere, Coco."

As his uncovered eye adjusted to the dull lighting of the room, Amiro recognised Kien standing in front of him. "How...how are you alive..?" Amiro asked as panic surged through him. "Did Ozaki let you go?" Kien's sinister smile widened as he leaned in closer to Amiro's face. "Oh, Ozaki didn't let me go, Coco. I escaped all on my own," he whispered, sending chills down Amiro's spine. The realisation that Kien was alive and seeking revenge engulfed Amiro, leaving him feeling utterly helpless and ensnared in a waking nightmare. Moving away from Amiro, he unveiled a large mirror before him. As Amiro gazed at his reflection, the realisation of being stripped naked hit him. Meanwhile, Kien approached from behind, gripping his hips and pressing him back until their bodies made contact.

"Look at you, doll. Still, so pretty, I wonder what you'd look like pregnant with my babies. Don't you?" He rubbed Amiro's cheek sensually as he spoke. His words elicited feelings of disgust and dirtiness, prompting Amiro to squirm in an attempt to escape the repulsion. Kien pulled his hair roughly to the point that tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. "Don't you fucking dare!" He yelled loudly, and Amiro flinched before standing still as a few stray tears rolled down his cheek. "Awww, did I scare you?" He laughs and licks the side of his neck. Amiro closed his eyes and tried to lean away from his touch. "Please...just stop..." Amiro's voice was trembling, and he looked away from the mirror. "Don't look away." Kien forced him to look back at himself. "I want you to watch me breed you," Kien spoke with a small chuckle.

Amiro's heart raced with fear as he felt trapped and vulnerable. The room felt suffocating as Kien's words echoed in his mind, filling him with dread. He looked at himself; he already looked destroyed, and Kien hadn't done anything to him yet. The thought of what was to come made Amiro shudder, his body tense with anticipation. Kien's sinister chuckle sent chills down his spine, knowing he was at the mercy of someone so cruel. Then he could feel his hands between his legs as he moved them around his thighs. The feeling of helplessness consumed him as he realised there was no escape from Kien's grasp. Amiro's mind raced with thoughts of survival as he braced himself for whatever torment awaited him. "I've been waiting to have you for myself again, Coco." Kien slid his hand up to Amiro's ass and squeezed it before he removed his hands completely.

Then, Amiro heard the undoing of a zipper. His eyes widened as he realised what Kien was about to do. He shook his head quickly as more tears streamed down his face, and he struggled even more against the restraints. "No, no, no! Please don't do this! I'm sorry!" Amiro panics as his breathing gets more laboured. "You're so cute, thinking a simple sorry will fix what you've done and get you out of the consequences." Kien laughed and rubbed against Amiro's ass. "This is what whores like you deserve." He murmured darkly into his ear. Amiro squeezed his eyes shut, only to be slapped harshly and told to look at himself again. "You don't know how to listen, do you?" Kien chuckled. "I guess we're just going to have to fuck that out of you, aren't we?"

Kien then suddenly shoved his cock into Amiro's ass, causing him to sob loudly in pain as more tears ran down his face. Amiro's cries only seemed to fuel Kien's aggression as he continued to thrust forcefully. The pain and humiliation were unbearable, leaving Amiro feeling utterly powerless in the hands of his tormentor. "You're going to be such a pretty mom," Kien whispered into Amiro's ear as he kept his painful thrusting. Screams escaped Amiro's lips, echoing through the room as he struggled against Kien's hold. The physical and emotional pain he endured seemed never-ending, as Kien's cruel words echoed in his mind, leaving him feeling broken and violated.

"I'm going to fuck you so good. I'm going to fill you up and give you my babies." Kien mumbled in Amiro's ear as he began kissing Amiro's neck. Amiro's heart raced with fear and disgust, his body trembling with a mixture of revulsion and helplessness. The thought of Kien's words becoming a reality filled him with a deep sense of dread, as he desperately fought against the violation of his body and soul. Amiro tried to think of anything to keep his mind off of Kien, but every kiss to his neck, every thrust, every low growl or grunt—everything brought him back to reality. Amiro's mind raced with thoughts of escape, but his body felt paralysed under Kien's touch. The feeling of being trapped and overpowered consumed him, leaving him feeling utterly helpless. Kien just kept fucking into him until finally, after what felt like forever, Kien came. It felt disgusting, but something made Amiro happy that it was finally over. He still had tears streaming down his face, and when he looked at himself again, his eyes were red and puffy. Tear streaks stained his face. Kien pulled out after a few seconds and pulled his pants up.

Amiro just stood there with his head hung low as he heard Kien walk off. He continued to sob quietly; he could still feel every touch of Kien's body on his, every thrust, and every breath. He felt it all, and it all felt disgusting to him. He just wanted to scrub his skin until everything went away until he was lying on the floor of a boiling hot shower with blood pooling around him. Anything to get his touch off of him. He just wanted to feel clean. But he couldn't, not now, not when he was still bound in one place. So he just stayed still, hoping maybe he'd disappear, or that Kien would forget about him.

~A/N. Credits to my friend Cinna for helping me come up with the plot of this chapter and future chapters in this part of the story~ 

Perfection of HellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz