Chapter 14

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Everyone was stunned at the fact that before them wasn't an act but real life villains that most of them have only ever seen on TV or from a distance. But right before them were large amount of them that were heading they way. "What? Villains? No way... There's no what they could get into a hero school!" But Kirishima seemed to be in slight deny about this fact.
"Sensei, what about the trespasser sensors?" Yaoyorozu to a step forward as she as she asked this to Thirteen.
"We have them, of course, but..."
"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school?" Todoroki had brought up this question to them.
"It wouldn't matter if the sensors don't respond." Erena answered him looking to the villains approaching them. "There is probably someone with a Quirk that's blocking the sensors, just like the phone reception." She informed them as her phone was absorbed into her hand somehow. "They might not be smart but they're not completely stupid either, this is an isolated area that is separate from the main campus which is currently being used by class. They clearly have something in mind after planning this surprise attack." Her words seemed to have caused her classmates to become even more worried then before.
"Thirteen, start the evacuation." Aizawa taken a step forwards. "Try calling to school. These villains even has something to counteract the sensors. Just as Satsukida said, it's possible someone with a radio-wave-type powers is interfering." He came to agree with what Erena pointed out before. "Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too." He ordered the young man.
"Yes sir." Which he began to do as he was told.
"What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?" Midoriya had began to ask him, as it was clear that they teacher wasn't coming with them. "With that many, even if you can erase that Quirk..Eraser head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is..." He believe that his teacher wouldn't be able to fight by himself.
"You can be a hero with just one track." Had been the response given... "I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen." Before he leaped down the main set of stairs towards the central plaza.
"Shooting squad, let's go." A villain ordered as the firing squad takes aim at Eraser Head.
"Didn;t out intel say it would just be Thirteen and All Might?" A woman asked as her hair began to stand up. "Who's that?!"
"I don't know! But if he thinks he can come at us from the front by himself..."
"Then he's a huge idiot!" The mocked him as they were about to fire at him. However, the Hero quickly erases their Quirks.
"Huh? Mu Quirk..."
"The bullets won't come out!?" The had become confused at what was happening and before the villains could react, Eraser head wraps the three criminals in his scarf and lifts them up to crash them into one another.
Idiot, he's a Eraser head! He can erase Quirks just by looking at them!" One criminal finally recognizes Aizawa to be the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head and explains that to his allies.
"Erase?" After hearing this a billion began charging for him. Are you gonna erase the Quirks of heteromorphic-type villains like us, too?" He asked as he attacked. A heteromorphic-type Quirk were those of Quirks that mutanted the outer appearance, such as Ojiro's tail.
"No, I can't." Erase Head had stated this as he dodged the attacks being through at him, before he punches the villain in the face with enough force to knock him off balance. "But the skills of guys like you..." The hero had stretched out his cloth towards the flying villain, where it wrapped around his leg. Seeing this as an opening another villain had sneaked from behind and tried to punch him. "Are statistically morelikely to manifest in close combat..." However, Eraser Head easily ducks and kicks the villain away before flinging down the villain that was wrapped by the cloth on to the other villain. " I've taken measures against that."
"He's also strong and hand to hand combat, and since he's hiding his eyes with goggles, you can tell whose Quirk he's erasing. when he fights against the group, that makes it harder for them to work together." He was being observed by the hand-man at the back as Eraser Head continues to dominate his opponents in battle. "I see. I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them." He was scratching his neck while saying that.

Meanwhile, the students had been taking off for the exist, all but Midoriya that came to realise he underestimated his teacher. "Wow... Aizawa-sensei's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?"
"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and take shelter!" But he had been snapped out of it by Iida, who was shouting at him to move. They follow Thirteen and Class 1-A in an attempt to evacuate,
"I won't let you." But the mist villain had appeared and stops them. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains." For some reason he had introduced themselves. "It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, In order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Many of the students seemed to be terrified by the sight of him, while others tried to remain calm in order to listen, while some were calm to begin with despite the situation. "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?" He didn't seem to care that he was just blabbering everything out. "Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." He had stated at the mist seemed to have gotten wider, as if he was opening up his arms. Thirteen was about to take act to use their Quirk, however, out of no where Bakugo and Kirishima attacked him.
"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?" Kirishima seemed confident as he there was now a cloud of duct and smoke caused from both him and Bakugo's attack.
"Oh dear, that's dangerous." However. It appeared that it was ineffective. "That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs."
"No! Move away, you two!" Thirteen shouted at the pair to us their Quirk.
"My job is to scared of you all and talk to you to death!" But it was already too late at the purple mist stretched around them and before some of them knew it, they were being dragged into the mist.

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