It was a man, his presence announced by the cloud of smoke surrounding him as he leisurely puffed on a large blunt.

Seungcheol let out a resigned sigh, realizing he preferred Mingyu's punch over dealing with this man. As he rose to his feet, he glanced at the approaching man before shifting his gaze back to Mingyu.

With a fake smile on his face, Seungcheol swiftly retaliated, throwing a punch at Mingyu's face with the same force Mingyu had used against him moments ago.

"Little fucker," he spoke coolly, his gaze fixed on Mingyu as he attempted to regain his composure.

"Choi Seungcheol. Stop right now," the man spoke sternly.

"What's the problem, father?" Seungcheol asked, his irritation evident in his tone.

"What's this nonsense? Acting like a couple of kids on the playground? Pull yourselves together," he spoke sternly, approaching them with authority in his stride.

"Mingyu, your father is in trouble. Instead of brawling here, you should be giving him a hand," he advised Mingyu.

"I'm here to bring my sister back home where she belongs. There's no reason for her to stay here," Mingyu asserted.

"But she's safer here," the old man interjected, while Mingyu let out a scoff.

"She'll never be safe around him," Mingyu insisted, his gaze unwavering as he stared at Seungcheol, who returned his gaze with a cold stare.

Mingyu's eyes shooting daggers at him. "Where is she?" he demanded again, his tone growing even more stern and determined.

"She's not going anywhere," Seungcheol declared firmly, his stance unwavering against Mingyu's insistence.

Growing increasingly impatient and frustrated, Mingyu decided to take matters into his own hands and search for his sister himself, rather than continue arguing with Seungcheol. 

He headed towards the living room, while Seungcheol swiftly approached his father, seizing the opportunity to confer with him.

"You better stop him. I doubt his father will appreciate finding his daughter with a hole in her forehead," Seungcheol warned in a hushed tone, causing his father to furrow his brows in concern.

"What the hell have you done now? Are you at this again?" his father spat, motioning for his men to halt Mingyu immediately.

"She took my fucking car and ended up in an fucking accident while I was trying to bring her back. Am I at fault for looking out for her?" Seungcheol snapped, his frustration mounting as he countered his father's accusation.

"Damn it! This mess wouldn't be here if you hadn't let her slip away!" his father exploded, his voice filled with anger. "You're so fucking useless! I trusted you to do one simple thing for once. But no, you can't even handle a damn girl!" he raged.

Seungcheol clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration as he struggled to contain his emotions.

"Listen here, old man," Seungcheol snapped, his voice tinged with frustration. "I couldn't care less about you or that woman. Get her out of my fucking mansion and take care of her yourself. Who do you think I am, her personal babysitter? I don't get why you're making such a fuss over this fucking girl," he added.

"Because she's the key to my fortune, you scumbag!" his father spat out. "Her father blew everything on gambling, but you're gonna tie the knot with her so I can claim half of his assets when he claws them back," he continued, his words like a slap to Seungcheol's face. 

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