The Confusion We Carry

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We're raised to be strong and independent

Yet still, we must hold on to our femininity

Carrying both traits with grace and resilience

Forced to navigate a world of masculine toxicity

Men treat us like objects, disposable and cheap

Complaining about the baggage we carry within

But they fail to see that it's baggage they caused us to keep

Leaving us with walls so high, we don't know where to begin

We crave love and affection, but it's hard to let someone in

Too many men play games with our emotions

Leaving us with shattered hearts and broken wings

Turning us into single mothers by choice, making tough decisions

The good men feel like a rare and precious treasure

Our hearts long for an old-fashioned gentleman

But too often, we find only pain and pressure

Forced to fight for what we deserve, time and time again

The media paints a picture of the "perfect woman"

One who's slim-thick, flawless, and always obedient

But we refuse to conform, to be made into their creation

Standing tall in our own beauty, proud and resilient

So let us carry our confusion like a badge of honour

Embracing the contradictions that make us unique

Rising above the limitations imposed upon us

And creating a better world for the women yet to speak.

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