Dark Skinned and Unwanted

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Looking in the mirror, I see

A girl with skin dark as ebony

The media tells me I'm not wanted

With features deemed too unconventional and flawed

Constantly wishing to be a little lighter

But how do I change this skin that's my identifier?

Kinky hair, no curves to flaunt

Left out of society's beauty taunts

Confidence is key, or so they say

But what good is it when my mind leads me astray?

In a group photo, I'm the darkest shade

Insensitive remarks leave me feeling betrayed

I love taking photos, but can't help but filter

Afraid of showing my true self, imperfections and all

This is the curse of being a black girl

Constantly judged by society's narrow-minded swirl

But I won't let their standards define me

My worth lies beyond what the media and society deem

I am beautiful, unapologetically and fiercely

Dark-skinned, confident, and destined for greatness it seems.

Melanin Versesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें