Chapter three: The Dagger

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Kamari and Kale emerged from the secret passage, blinking in the fading light, and both jumped off their horses.

The sound of horse carriages and ships greeted them, a sign that the nobles were arriving for the ceremony. Kamari felt a knot in her stomach, knowing that she had to face them soon. She froze, unable to move her legs.

'Do you hear that?' She asked, hoping to stall for time.

Kale followed her gaze, and smirked. 'You mean the sound of noble brilliance as well as pomposity arriving? Yes, beauty, I can very well hear that.' He leaned back on a tree, crossing his arms loosely. He looked relaxed and amused, as if he enjoyed watching her squirm.

Before she could reply, a loud growl pierced the air. She looked up and saw a dark shape flying over them. It was a night creature, a winged beast that hunted in the dark. She gasped, clutching her hunting bag. She had never seen one before and had only heard stories of their ferocity.

'Is that what I think it is?' She thought, her eyes wide with fear and wonder.

Kale noticed her reaction, and his eyes narrowed. He could tell that she was nervous about going back to the palace. He decided to tease her a little more.

'Have you never seen night creatures before, beauty? Does the Haiiro monarch not let their servants out? Judging by your... dare I say astonishment? You must not really be valued by your masters.' He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kamari snapped out of her trance, and glared at him. She hated how he mocked her, and how he knew how to get under her skin.

'Seriously, why are you even still here? Didn't you have important matters to attend to?' She said, loosening the grip she had on her bag and facing him. She tried to sound annoyed, but she was also curious about him.

Kale grinned, a devilish and tantalizing grin. He walked towards her, his steps confident. He snapped his fingers near her face, making her flinch.

A giant scorpion appeared behind him, its tail raised and ready to strike. It was his familiar, a creature that he could summon and control. It changed its form, becoming a half-man, half-scorpion. It had a human head, torso, and arms, but the rest of its body was that of a scorpion. It was a terrifying sight, and Kamari felt a shiver run down her spine.

'You called for me, my lord.' The scorpion said, bowing its head. It clasped its hands in front and behind its back, showing respect.

'At ease, Aqrabua, we have matters to attend to.' Kale said, nodding the half man half scorpion revered back to its original form, and Kale leaped onto the scorpion's back, and looked down at Kamari. She was staring at him, her mouth open. He winked at her and smiled.

'I'll see you around, Kamki.' He said, using her fake name. He knew it annoyed her, and he liked it. He spurred the scorpion, and rode away, leaving Kamari behind.


Kamari slipped into the palace, blending in with the restless crowd, the air thick with whispers and the rustle of silk. Kamari moved through the throng unnoticed, her presence as fleeting as a shadow at dusk. No one paid attention to her, as they were too busy gossiping and preparing for the ceremony. She navigated the corridors with a practiced ease, her thoughts on Yuzuki who was waiting for her return.

The door to Kamari's chamber creaked open to reveal Yuzuki, a figure of worry wound tight, pacing and nibbling at her finger—a telltale sign of her anxiety. Kamari's heart softened at the sight. Yuzuki was the last person who deserved to be fretting so.

A mischievous impulse took hold of Kamari, a playful ploy to break the tension. She crept up behind Yuzuki and called out with feigned sternness, 'You there, girl!'

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