Y/N's blankie (WM) 🧸

Start from the beginning


It's been about two hours since Wanda, Y/N and the twins got home. The boys are now playing video games in the living room while Y/N's there too, playing with her toys.

"Where's my monkey?" Y/N furrows her brows in confusion, turning around and trying to find the toy Wanda bought her earlier today.

Tommy and Billy share a look, trying hard not to laugh as they were the ones who hid their sister's new toy.

"Billy? Tommy? Have you seen my monkey?" Y/N asks sweetly, looking at her brothers with hope in her eyes, but the twins only burst into laughter on which Y/N furrows her brows in confusion. "Why are you laughing? Do you know where my monkey is?" She asks once again, her eyes filling with tears and her bottom lip trembling.

"You're such a baby, don't even understand fun" Tommy rolls his eyes at the sight of his upset little sister, throwing the toy at her.

Though then another idea pops up in his head. If they take Y/N's blankie away, she won't be able to take it to school and 'embarrass' them, right?

Without thinking about the consequences, Tommy reaches for his sister's blankie that's been laying on the couch.

Y/N immediately tries to take it back, but Tommy holds it up, so even while jumping Y/N's not able to reach it.

"It's mine, give it back!" Y/N orders with a whine, but Tommy just throws the blankie to his brother, both laughing.

"Come for your blankie, Y/N" Billy teases, waiting for Y/N to run to him before throwing the blankie back to Tommy.

This repeats for a few minutes until Y/N has enough of it and runs to her bedroom with tears running down her cheeks.


Ever since that moment Y/N hasn't spoken a word. She's spent a while in her room by herself until Wanda got worried and came for her.

"There you are, bubs" A sigh of relief escapes Wanda's lips once she finally finds her daughter.

Y/N's now laying in her bed, just playing with the fabric of her bedsheets on which Wanda furrows her brows in confusion. Her daughter isn't the type to be just laying in bed.

"What's wrong, Y/N/N?" Wanda asks as soon as she sits down on Y/N's bed, running her fingers through her daughter's hair and not getting any response.

"You look tired, sweetheart. I think you're gonna go to bed early today" Y/N would normally complain about it, yet she doesn't say a single word again on which Wanda starts getting worried.

"What's gotten into you, baby? Y/N/N doesn't want to talk?" The desperate mother asks, finally getting a reaction from her daughter as she shakes her head. "Okay, Y/N/N doesn't have to talk if she doesn't want to" Wanda smiles a little bit, bending down to kiss her daughter's forehead.

Y/N haven't even said anything during dinner which is not common at all. The tiny one normally doesn't close her mouth for even a second and the fact she's been quiet all along is making Wanda really worried.

Now it's time for bed though, so while the boys are watching TV in the living room as they are allowed to stay up for a little more than Y/N, Wanda's tucking in her daughter.

But there's a big problem... Y/N just doesn't fall asleep without her blankie. No matter how tired she is, she won't close her eyes if her blankie isn't in her arms.

"What's wrong, baby? Can you tell mommy what got you so upset?" Wanda asks softly, noticing the tears in her daughter's eyes.

Though Y/N only burst into tears, making her poor mother panic. Wanda has no idea if her daughter is hurt, if she's just not having her day or if the boys told her some scary stories again.

Wanda scoops her daughter into her arms and starts looking for Y/N's blankie immediately, knowing it's the only thing that can comfort her daughter in any situation.

"Where's your blankie, baby?" Wanda asks, hoping to get an answer from her daughter, only to get more cries in response. "Oh, is this what made you so upset, sweetheart? That you don't have your blankie?" She asks softly after the realization, rubbing her daughter's back and pressing kisses to her head.

"Billy and Tommy don't want to give it back" Y/N hiccups before burying her head into Wanda's neck, crying loudly.

Wanda stands up immediately, heading into the living room with her crying daughter in her arms. She's talked to her sons about why's Y/N's blankie so important to her so many times, so the fact they took it makes her really angry.

"Boys, give me the blankie" Wanda orders sternly, watching as both of her sons look at her.

"W-what do you mean, mom?" Tommy asks, hoping he would get out of this conversation and wouldn't be in trouble.

"Give me Y/N's blankie" Wanda repeats, looking at her sons sternly.

Both knowing they're in trouble, Billy takes out Y/N's blankie from under the pillow where they hid it, handing it to his mother.

Y/N's cries stop almost immediately once she has her blankie secured tightly in her arms which makes Wanda let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to put Y/N down now, but when I come back, you two and I will have a little chat" Wanda tells her sons sternly, anger still visible in her eyes.

She'll certainly make sure this time the twins will finally understand that making fun of their little sister and taking her things that bring her comfort is not okay.


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