The youngest Maximoff pt. 2 (WM) 🧸

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Y/N: 9/14 years old
Story: Y/N finds out that Wanda got blipped...

The sound of jet landing fills the surroundings of the compound. The rest of the team just returned home from Wakanda where they fought Thanos, but unfortunately lost. Half of the world disappeared, including Wanda which will definitely break her little sister's heart.

Y/N's been with Happy on the compound the entire time, waiting for her family to come back. Currently she's sitting at the table in the kitchen and drawing a picture for Wanda, hoping her big sister will come back soon.

"Y/N! Are you here?!" Natasha calls as soon as all of the team members step inside.

The little Maximoff shoots her head up with a smile, dropping her crayons and immediately running to greet them.

"Natty!" Y/N shouts happily, jumping into Natasha's arms which makes the redhead let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Natasha admits, wrapping her arms tightly around the little girl and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, trying not to cry in front of her.

"Where's Wanda?" Y/N asks immediately, looking around but not spotting her sister anywhere. She furrows her brows in confusion once she sees the sad faces of everyone around. "Where's my sister?" Y/N asks again, her bottom lip trembling when no one tells her anything.

"... Honey, your sister... she... she disappeared" Natasha tells the little girl, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"What do you mean? Where did she go? Will she come back?" Y/N questions, tears running down her cheeks while she's looking at Natasha and waiting for an explination.

"I don't know, sweetheart. I'm so sorry" Natasha almost whispers, a few tears escaping her own eyes when Y/N bursts into tears.

Y/N wraps her arms around the now blonde tightly, hiding her face in Natasha's stomach while the older woman is rubbing her back.

"She promised she'd never leave me" Y/N cries out into Natasha's stomach on which Natasha squeezes her eyes shut, not really knowing what to do as Wanda's always been the one who comforted the little girl whenever was something wrong. "I want her, Natty"

"I know, sweetheart. I'm so sorry" Natasha sighs, pressing another few kisses to the top of Y/N's head.

"I want her please!" Y/N begs, breaking Natasha's heart even more.

"I promise I'll do everything to bring her back, honey" Natasha promises, tears quietly running down her face while she's looking at the little girl. "It'll be okay, I promise" She sighs, running her fingers through Y/N's hair and hugging her tightly while the little girl is sobbing into her stomach.

5 years later...

Every single day since Wanda disappeared like half of the world, Y/N's been sleeping in her sister's bed, wearing her sister's hoodies and drawing pictures for her.

Because the Avengers finally found a way how to bring everyone back, Y/N's been staying with Happy and Morgan at Stark's house.

She is worried... worried that she might lose another person she loves if anything goes wrong. Natasha has become the most important person for Y/N, besides Wanda of course, so if anything happens to the redhead, that will be it for the young girl.

The teenager is now playing with Morgan in her little fort they've built together earlier. It helps her not to think about the mission that much, plus she kinda enjoys playing with Morgan.

"Y/N/N? Where are you?" Natasha smiles, walking around the garden with Wanda right behind her.

Y/N smiles, immediately recognizing the voice and rushing out of the fort, running into Natasha's arms.

"Natty!" The teenager jumps into the redhead's arms, making her let out a chuckle while Wanda's standing behind the pair, not believing her own eyes.

"I brought you someone" Natasha smiles, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead and stepping aside, so Y/N could finally see her sister.

"Wanda" Y/N whispers, tears immediately forming in her eyes at the sight of her sister in front of her.

"Y/N/N" Wanda breathes out, tears already running down her cheeks when her little sister wraps her arms around her.

"I've missed you so much" Y/N cries out, not planning to let go of her sister any time soon. "Don't you dare leave me again" The girl says seriously, looking up at her sister.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N/N... I can't believe you've grown up so much. You are so beautiful" Wanda nearly whispers, cupping her sister's cheeks and wiping away her tears with her thumbs before pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead.

"Where even were you?" Y/N questions.

"I don't know. Everything went black for like 5 seconds and then I found out I was gone for 5 years and that my little sister isn't that little anymore" Wanda sighs.

"I'll always be your little sister, no matter how old I am" Y/N smiles sweetly, melting Wanda's heart with that sentence.

"I love you so much, little monkey" Wanda smiles, pulling her sister in for another tight hug and kissing her head multiple times.

"I love you too, Wanda" Y/N smiles, enjoying the feeling of being in her big sister's arms again.

"By the way... is that my hoodie?" Wanda asks as soon as they pull away from the hug, playfully raising an eyebrow on which Y/N's cheeks turn a little bit red.

"I just. I-I missed you so much and-"

"I was just kidding, honey. You look better in it anyway" Wanda chuckles, running her finger's through Y/N's hair. "How about we go to sit down somewhere and you tell me everything that's happened in the last five years?" Wanda smiles when she receives a smile and nod from her little sister. Y/N surely has a lot of things to tell her sister...


Didn't have the heart to let Natasha jump off Vormir...

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