You're not alone (WM) ❤️

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NO ONE'S POVWith a huge smile on her face Y/N's telling her mom about her day

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With a huge smile on her face Y/N's telling her mom about her day. Her mother listening to her daughter's every word, smiling weakly while rubbing Y/N's knuckles with her thumb.

It's been a while since Y/N's mother got sick and had to go to the hospital. Y/N was absolutely devastated, but now her mother's feeling better and the doctors assured her that her mother's condition is a lot better, so Y/N's trying her best to come every day at least once and tell her mom everything what happens in her life.

"Math isn't so good, but I'm working on that, so no worries. We have a new girl in class and she's quite good at all the math stuff, so I'm planning to ask her for help" Y/N assures her mother. "Oh, look at the time! I'm running late already. I'll stop by after school, mom. I love you!" The girl presses a kiss to her mother's cheek, quickly taking her bag and rushing out of the hospital.

Y/M/N can't help but let out a chuckle, shaking her head with a smile as she's watching her daughter rushing out.

Luckily Y/N makes it to school just on time, running to her classroom before the bell rings, accidentally bumping into some girl and causing all of her books to fall on the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N quickly apologizes, bending down to help the girl pick up her books, locking eyes with her to realize it's the new girl.

"That's okay" The brunette smiles.

"Oh, it's you! The new girl... Hm. Wanda, right?" Y/N questions, receiving a nod. "Hm. I know we haven't really talked yet, but I would really-"

"I won't go out with you" Wanda blurts out on which Y/N tilts her head in confusion. "Sorry, I'm not someone you can change after a week of dating. I-"

"I wasn't trying to ask you out" Y/N stops the brunette right there.

There's a well-known fact on the entire school that Y/N is a player. Her longest relationship lasted for about two weeks. She really wants to find someone who would love her and whom would she love, yet that hasn't happened yet.

Maybe that's caused by the fact that she's never really felt a real love until she got adopted 6 years ago.

A simple 'oh' leaves Wanda's lips, her cheeks turning red at the akward moment.

"I was just hoping you would help me with math? I have no clue what's going on there and you seemed to understand in the last few lessons, so I was hoping you'd help me out a little bit please?" Y/N asks, hoping to get a yes.

She really wants to get a good mark, so she could show it to her mom and assure her she's doing okay, so she wouldn't worry.

"Oh, sure, I can help. Sorry about that before, I didn't mean to-"

"No, that's fine. Can we meet up after shool?" Y/N questions with a smile, looking into the green eyes and searching for an answer.


It's been over a month since Wanda started helping Y/N with math and Y/N's grades got a lot better ever since. Though lately there's only one thing on Y/N's mind and it surely isn't school... Wanda.

For some reason Y/N just can't stop thinking about her, but whenever Y/N decides to tell Wanda, she gets insecure. Why would Wanda feel something for her? Why would she like her back?

After all, she always remembers their first encounter, how Wanda rejected her even though she wasn't about to ask her out. The whole school is talking about it, Y/N is a player, so why would Wanda want to date her?

Wanda, on the other hand, is feeling the same. Her mind is constantly wandering around Y/N and she just can't stop it. But she's certain Y/N doesn't feel the same and she definitely doesn't want to be another girl Y/N played with.

Wanda steps into the classroom, expecting to see Y/N's bright smile, but her seat is empty. Wanda shakes it off though, maybe Y/N was visiting her mom again or she just overslept, right?

There still is this weird feeling, telling Wanda something's wrong. She's been waiting for Y/N to arrive, yet the girl just isn't showing up. Something must have happened.

So as soon as the last lesson ends, Wanda rushes to Y/N's house, ringing the bell and knocking at the door without any response.

"I know you're here, Y/N!" She doesn't, but it's worth a try. What if Y/N is sick and needs help? Or what if she got hurt?

Few seconds later the door finally opens, revealing the young girl in a horrible state. Her hair is messy and her eyes bloodshot red from crying.

Wanda's just happy to see her in that moment and immediately pulls the girl in for a tight hug.

"You got me worried sick. Why didn't you text me you wouldn't come to school today?" Wanda lets out a sigh, pulling away from the hug and finally noticing the state Y/N is in. "What's wrong? What happened, Y/N/N?" She asks, cupping the girl's cheeks and wiping her tears away with her thumbs.

"... My mom died" Y/N sobs out, burying her face into Wanda's neck and crying again.

"I am so sorry" Wanda nearly whispers, rubbing Y/N's back and squeezing her eyes shut.

Y/N told her everything about her horrible childhood and how she got adopted. The girl would never ever tell anyone, but for some reason, she felt like she could tell Wanda.

"She was the only one I had" Y/N hiccups, Wanda feeling tears in her eyes as well.

"That's not true. You have me. And I will help you with everything" Wanda smiles slightly, wiping Y/N's running tears.

"Why would you? No one ever cared for me, only my mom. So why would you help?" Y/N asks, stepping back a little bit.

"Because I care, Y/N. I have feelings for you... I-I love you. I want to be here for you and I want to protect you" Wanda confesses, slowly taking Y/N's hands in hers.

"Y-you do?" Y/N questions, her voice cracking a little.

"I do" Wanda smiles, bringing one of her hands up to Y/N's face and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I-I have feelings for you too. I was scared to tell you. I thought that you would never feel the same" Y/N admits, her eyes filling with tears once again.

"Come here" Wanda pulls Y/N in for another hug, rubbing her back and letting her cry. "I'm here for you, honey. I'll help you with everything. You're not alone"


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