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Branch's Perspective:

This wasn't supposed to happen. All I wanted was for the power to go out, and she would have to send everyone home. But when I found the control panel, I guess I cut the wrong wire. And now somebody could die because of me.

I was close to where the fire erupted, but I dove out of the way before it burnt me to a crisp. It had formed a crescent around me and two other trolls. One of them was a child. I coughed as the smoke filled my lungs and I made my way to the other trolls.

"Are you both ok!?" I shouted over the sounds of the fire.

"Yes! Please help us!" she held the crying child.

The firetrolls arrived and started blasting the ground with water. I tried to signal them to come over to us, but they were focused of a larger part of the fire. What if they don't get to us in time? I made the quick decision to wrap my hair around them and lift them as high above the fire as I could. I then gently arched over the flames and set them on the ground.

"Run!" I said as another bulb shattered right in front of me. I reached out my hand instinctively trying to shield myself as another fire started. I flew back landing on my rear. My eyes and lungs were stinging from the smoke, and I sat there watching the fire creep towards me feeling helplessly cornered. When all of the sudden the flames began to be put out by the firetroll's hose. They must have seen me save those trolls. Two of them dressed in full protective gear ran towards me and picked me up. They brought me away from the flames and set me down next to some other trolls who were a little charred. I got up and looked around, praying to God Poppy wasn't hurt. I saw her looking around as well, helping the injured trolls.

"Poppy!" I ran towards her.

"Branch!" She cried out, tears filling her eyes. "Branch I'm so sorry, I should have never thrown this party or made you come or, or-"

I hugged her tightly, "It's not your fault Poppy I-" I was about to confess when she grabbed my hand. I didn't notice it was red and starting to form blisters. After seeing it, I coughed and felt lightheaded.

"Oh my God your hurt!" She grabbed my other hand and led me to several medical trolls that had just arrived, treating burns and handing out oxygen masks.

"No, I'm fine Poppy, there are other trolls that are worse than me." I said stopping.

"Fine. I'll be right back." She pressed down on my shoulders, causing me to sit down on a rock. As she walked towards the medical trolls, a giant wave of guilt crashed into me as I remembered why all of this was happening. Why did I do this? I sabotaged her party so badly that several trolls got hurt. Poppy wasn't even sad, she seemed calm and collected considering the circumstances. I was so desperate to be happy again, I was blinded by my stupidity.

"Give me your hand." She said, gently applying burn cream to my injured hand. I winced in pain, not realizing how bad it was.

"I'm sorry, Branch. I'm sorry about all of this." She wrapped my hand with some gauze and bandages.

"It's not your fault, there was something wrong with the wiring." I lied. I couldn't possibly tell her the truth; she would hate me. "I went to check it because you know how paranoid I can be. When I looked, there were already sparks in the control panel and there was nothing I could do." Saying this only made me feel guiltier.

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, that's good to know. I'm just glad to see you're ok." She placed her hand on my face and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll be right back, ok?"

The fire was almost completely put out, leaving trails of charred ground behind. I tried to forget the weight of the guilt with the reasoning that at least no one died. Then a few firetrolls walked up to me.

"Look everyone, there's the hero!" Said the main troll with bright red hair.

"What?" I said, confused.

"Don't act surprised dude, you saved my wife and child! I owe you everything." He said, wrapping me in a hug.

Felling a bit awkward I said, "Oh um... thanks. But I think you guys are the real heroes. You put out the fire and saved me, so I guess we're even."

He laughed, "That's true! The names Hatchet, nice to meet you." Shaking my hand.

"I'm Branch." I smiled awkwardly.

"Well Branch, a word of advice, don't act so humble! I really do owe you man." He turned hearing someone calling his name. "See you around, hero!"

The whole exchange made me feel even worse. I didn't deserve to be praised; I didn't deserve anything. All I wanted to do was hide. I contemplated going back to my bunker and boarding my room up forever, but I didn't want to worry Poppy. So, I went to go find her. She was helping the medical trolls pack up to take the more injured trolls to the hospital. She was so amazing, always helping others. I couldn't help but think I didn't deserve her.

"Hey Poppy, I think I'm gonna go back home, I'm really tired."

She turned to me and smiled, "Actually I was hoping you would want to stay a few nights at my house. So I could make sure your burn is healing properly."

I didn't want to at first, knowing every time I saw her, I would be flooded with guilt. But maybe her happiness would rub off on me. "I think that's a great idea." For the first time in a while, a genuine smile appeared across my face. 

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