Episode 11: Minotaur Maze

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A/N: This is another one of my favorite episodes. so excited about doing this chapter  

3rd Pov

Episode begins in New York. On the rooftop, Mikey is swinging his Kusari Fundo as fire blazes in the air. 

Mikey says, "Oh, yeah, check this out! Power fun jitsu!"  Raph says, "Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies."  Raph punches his tonfas together, making a red wave of energy. 

Leo says, "If you guys wanna see real skills, look right here. I'm gonna make a portal to New Jersey." He swung his sword, but nothing happened, "Come on, power portal jitsu." He said.  Leo tries to make a portal but only a tiny one opens.  Raph laughs and says, "That's not going to get you across the street, let alone to New Jersey." "Okay but... See it's practical, which makes it better." Leo said. 

Mikey asks, "Hey, Donnie, what are you doing, bud?"  Donnie had his goggles off and analyzed the crystal. "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I on per hand, took a more cerebral one. See, this crystal, combined with the elements..." Donnie said but got cut off by Leo.  Leo says, "Get to the point."  Donnie says, "Now I can see all of the mystic energy hidden around New York, you're welcome and thank you." He inserts the crystal back in his goggles. 

Raph says/asks, "Whoa, that's awesome. Hey, what about that laundry mat?"  Donnie says/asks, "It looks like a laundry mat, but what do we have over here? Whoa... Underneath that old lady's skin is some sort of fire mutant thing."  The woman looks around to see if there are no ones here. Then she began to wave her hand until it opened up and entered inside, leaving the cart. 

Mikey says, "She just disappeared into that wall."  "I believe she went into some sort of cool mystic pizza place." Donnie said.  Mikey says, "Pizza! Guys, my blood sugar's getting low. I need to eat bad!"  They jump down the rooftop and in front of the wall. 

Leo says, "Step aside. Let's put the prettiest face first."  "I don't think that's a good idea." Raph said. Leo asks/said, "Why? The one who's gonna get us inside is me!h said."  He starts waving his hands but the skeleton graffiti blew a raspberry.  Raph says, "Nice try, pretty boy." He starts waving his hand until it burns blue and portal opens up, "Awesome!" He said.  "Don't leave me." Leo said.  The Turtles jump into the portal. 

As soon as they jumped in, they were in an amazing Yokai pizzeria. 

Raph says, "Alright, alright. Everybody be cool. This is our first time in a classy restaurant. Uh.. establishment."

Leo was stuck in the wall and he says, "Hey, guys, this wall is definitely broken." Rah sees a empty table. Raph says/asks, "A table. What do we do?" "Okay. Be cool. I think we just sit at it and ask for stuff." Donnie said.  Mikey asks, Uh, like regular people?"  "I think here we are regular." Donnie said.  While the others explore, Leo sees two Yokai talking to each other. 

Yokai says, "Never forget, you are the champion." Yokai higfives Yokai 2. Yokai 2 says, "Thanks bro. I was having a real existential crisis."  

Leo sees a sign saying "Prove you're a champion." He began to see pictures of yokai who had fought and won.  

Amazed, Leo started to approach the entry only to be stopped by a skeleton yokai.  Senor Hueso says, "Whoa whoa whoa. Leo says, "Ew, gross." Hueso says, "Oh, no, this is not for you." "Prove your champion? Oh, this is definitely for me." Leo asks/said.  Hueso says, "Well, it's not you, my friend, are not a champion. Sorry."  Leo says/asks, "But you see, boneman. Can I call you boneman? I am a champion and I wanna know what's behind your robe."  Hueso says, "Well, you need not to be concerned with el labrinos de la muerte. Or as you would call it the Maze of Death." "Ominous. But also a question. When I solve your Maze of Death, what do I get?" Leo says/asked. 

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