Episode 4: Down with the Sickness

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3rd pov

View of buildings shifts down to underground in the turtles' lair, where the brothers are in their arcade. Thumping techno music plays as Raph follows the patterns on a dancing machine.

"Yeah, all right. Get 'em. Ooh, ahh." Raph said while grunting. Leo says, "I don't think he's got this." "Hey! Leave him alone." Mikey says. Leo asked/said, "What? I'm just saying he doesn't have this." "You're just trying to get in my head." Raph said. "Oh, my peaches and cream, he just doubled." Donnie said.

Scene cuts to image of Splinter's feet as he's walking, coughing and wheezing all the while.

Back to the turtles.

Raph says, "Rag! Now!" Mikey uses a rag to wipe the sweat from Raph's brow and he asked, "Have I ever told you how big and beautiful you are?" Raph said, "No, but thank you." "Uh, he is about to set a new high score. I can't watch, but I can't not watch!" Donnie said.

Switch again to Splinter, still wheezing and his breathing labored. Walking through the lair, swiping his hand across things and knocking them over.

Back to the turtles at the dancing machine.

Leo asks, "You know what they say about big-time moments?" "Yes, I do. They say that in big-time moments, leaders make . . . ." Raph said but got cut off by Splinter.

Splinter was Yelling from somewhere behind them, "Brain!" Raph has stopped moving. "Game Over." The dance machine said.

Scene swipes across to Splinter, clutching his head. "Ow, my brain!" Splinter exclaims. The brothers all shriek at the sight of him. Donnie says/asks, "No! Why?" Splinter inhales sharply and then sneezes weakly. Looks very ill.

Leo says, "Gesundheit." Mikey exclaims, "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, Splinter's a zombie!" "Mikey, zombies are interested in other people's brains." Donnie said. Raph says, "Rat Flu. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill, boys." Announcer says as words flash across the screen, "Down With The Sickness!"

Splinter lying down as his boys stand over him. Leo fans him with a handkerchief while Don peers at him through his lenses.

Splinter asks/says, "I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest."

Close up of his face, which is nasty. Sound of woman screaming. Sons pull back, all reacting with fear.

Raph exclaims, "Whoa!" "Okay." Donnie says. "You look great, not horribly sick at all. Raph says. He grabs the curtain and pulls it shut, cutting Splinter off from them and says, "He's horribly sick." "Look, a flu this intense is going to affect all areas of his brain. I'm talking the full seven stages, before his body naturally heals itself." Donnie says.

Raph asks, "You guys know what the full seven stages mean?" "Mhm-hmm" all the brothers except for raph say in union. Raoh says, "Another chance to get whatever we want!" "Yeah!" All the brothers said except for raph.

Mikey say, "But poor Dad. He must feel terrible. But lucky us, he'll say yes to whatever we ask for! Whoo-hoo!" "Only if we make it all the way to the end of the flu, the elusive stage seven. And we never get there." Donnie says. "This year's gonna be different. Nobody's getting bit. Nobody's getting infected." Raph says.

Leo says, "When we do make it to the end, which I'm now calling the Must Say Yes stage, what are we gonna ask for?" All the younger brothers say in union, "Hmm . . " Younger brothers all stare at Raph.

Raph say, "Well, this year, I was thinking we could ask for, uh, um, er—uh . . ." "Aww, he's got nothing. We're dead." Leo says. Raph says/asks, "Hey, I got something, all right? Like a, uh . . . ."

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