Episode 7: The Fast and the Furriest

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3rd Pov

The episode begins with Donnie showing his brother's new Turtle Tank which was the Moon buggy.

Donnie says to his brothers, "Brethren, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my merit skills united in one glorious enterprise. Gentleman, behold the-" Leo was sitting on a box and he asks donnie, "Is it the drill? Is it that you made when we were fighting those silverfish?" Donnie says, "No. That's still in beta."

Raph says next to Mikey, "Lame." "But this is better. Much, much better. I give you the..." Donnie says as he was cut off by Mikey. Mikey asks, "Is it even cooler, even bigger drill?" Donnie says, "No, not a drill. This is a big surprise." Donnie pulls the cord and the curtain opens up to reveal an empty space. "Ta stinkin da!" Donnie says. Mikey says, "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing! I'm so proud of you." Donnie turns around and takes notice that the Tank he built is gone. "What? Where did it go? I built an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy? Who stole our Turtle Tank?" He asks.

Somehow in the city, it is revealed that Splinter is driving the Tank. On the rooftop, we see the turtles on the rooftop, searching for the Tank.

Raph says, "Hey, this is a real problem, Donnie. Not only did they steal your tank..." "Now you can finish the drill." Mikey said. Raph says, "But they must know where our lair is. It must be somebody who's penetrated our inner circle." Donnie says, "Maybe it's someone we've known. For years."

We cut to Kaya and April's apartment. Donnie slammed the door open as the other turtles looked around to find the tank.

Donnie says, "Alright, you two! Where's our Turtle Tank?" "Hi Donnie! You have nine seconds to explain why you just broke down our door." Kaya says. Leo says to his girlfriend, "Someone stole Donnie's Turtle Tank babe." "I see. So as your best friends you naturally suspect us?" Kaya says. Mikey says, "She gets it." "Don't get me that. You two are the only one who could've taken it." April says, " 3... 2... 1...." A loud smack can be heard. And the Turtles fell out of the apartment. Donnie says, "Okay, good news. Our inner circle is secured." Mikey says/asks, "Sorry Kaya and April. Movie night later?" April says, "Your treat." Kaya blows a kiss at the turtles and April closes the window.

Donnie says/asks, "Alright guys. Who's our next suspect?" "It's gotta be someone who knows we exist." Raph said. Mikey says, "Splinter." He pulls out a split of wood and says, "Must be from Kaya's bat." Leo says, "No way. It's gotta be another mutant and I know where we can find a mutant. The mutant pizza place!"

And so, the turtles have arrived back to where they first encountered the strange portal.

Raph says, "Stand back. Raph's got this." He waved his hand and the portal opened up. Then they all entered inside the Run of the Mill Pizzeria. Raph says, "Okay, Leo do your thing." "Ah, the old smooth urban cop digging for info in a restaurant routine. Watch and learn, babies." Leo says as he goes over to Hueso, "Say bone man yo, you seem like you have your ear holed to the ground. What do you know about a certain missing Turtle tank?" Leo asks Hueso. He throws a slip into Hueso's hand .

Hueso asks/says, "A teddy bear town coupon? Well, I have no need for a major Cuddlecakes. Buh bye." he crumples the slip. Leo start to ask a few yokai for directions Leo says, "Hey there, green eye, know anything about a.." A one eyed yokai stared at him. "Okay.. " He says. Leo goes over to a small one and says, "Hey, little cutie. Bet you know.. " but the yokai snarls at him. "Oh, come on!" Leo says.

Donnie says, "Enough with your stupid routine, Leo! I'm finding out which of you wise guys took our tank or I'm smashing everything in this dump!" He struggles to lift up a table. Hueso says, "Eh, pepino, your bad cop routine leaves something to be desired." Mikey says, "No no no no. We're not the police." Hueso asks, "You're not the police you say?" The Turtles get thrown right out.

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