Chapter 12: The Agent and the Octoling

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"In the meantime, we do have the little manner of our special prisoner."

"Ah yes, Agent 5." Skylar Rose was thoughtful for a moment. "I want to know what he can do. And I have a very special Octoling for that job."

Kelly stepped off the subway train and looked at her phone before putting it back in her pocket. Magenta-colored civilians turned their heads as she passed. It wasn't unusual for a GenMo Octoling to venture out outside of the army headquarters, typically in armor, but the sight of a non-magenta Octoling was still hard for some to grasp. Kelly, however, had plans other than getting stared at by strangers. She was headed to a small farm.

The farmhouse door opened. Kelly entered.

"I'm home!" she called into the house. No answer. The Octoling heard the faint sounds of an anime opening playing. Kelly crept around the corner, spotting a young boy on his bed with an old laptop. She grinned mischievously, quietly shifting into her Inkling form as ink swirled around her. The boy was too engrossed in his show to notice the indigo Inkling sneaking up on him. Kelly grabbed him by the shoulders from behind and gave him a quick shake.

"GRAAAHH!" she yelled frighteningly. The boy screamed and whipped around. Kelly burst out laughing.

"Kelly!" the boy exclaimed in annoyance. "You know I hate it when you do that!"

"I'm sorry, Matthew," Kelly said, wiping away a tear from her laughter as ink swirled around her as she shifted back into her original Octoling form. "I heard Attack on Kraken playing and couldn't resist." Kelly's younger brother rolled his eyes and went back to watching the anime. Kelly got on the bed with him and leaned over to watch as well.

"Which episode is this?" she asked.

"The Soldier and the Inkling," Matthew replied. "The one where the lost brigade captures the Inkling Kraken."

"Oh yeah, I love that one!" Kelly said. The two of them watched the anime for a bit.

"Look out! Here comes the Kraken!" one of the characters called out before a massive Kraken tentacle slammed down on the fort's wall. Another character used a Zipcaster to fly in front of the Kraken's face to distract it, firing a shot of ink in its eye. The Kraken roared in agony before falling over the fort's walls and transforming back into an unconscious Inkling.

"It's down!" a third character yelled. A group of the main characters ran over to the Inkling, who was starting to come to.

"They're..." began one of the characters.

"...just like us," Kelly quoted. Matthew side-eyed her and rolled his eyes.

"That part's so dumb," he said. "Inklings are nothing like us."

"I don't know," said Kelly. "They're quite fascinating once you get to know them."

"I disagree. Remember what Agent 4 did to Octopolis City, which caused everyone to move here to Takoyaki Town?"

"Yeah, but that Agent 4 is dead. There's a new Agent 4 now - one who's inexperienced in battle." Kelly playfully nudged Matthew. "And next year you'll be joining me in the army against the Inklings." Matthew hung his head, took a breath, then looked at Kelly.

"About that..." Kelly frowned.

Two adult Octolings were out tending to the wasabi field outside the farmhouse. Kelly exited the house, walking up to the field's fence. Matthew stood in the house's doorway, watching from a distance. One of the Octolings in the field looked up.

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