☆Chapter One☆

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Kiyotaka Ishimaru 3rd person POV:

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, The Super High School Level Moral Compass, woke up to the blaring sound of his annoying alarm. He groaned as he turned it off with his tired fingers.

He yawned as he lazily slumped out of bed, almost falling to the ground due to his legs not being ready to deal with doing anything at 5:30 in the morning.

Take looked at his reflection with a sigh of sorrow as the dysphoric thoughts began to take hold. He mentally begged for them to shut up and be quiet. He still had a headache from his annoying alarm.

He cracked his knuckles and turned away from the mirror, telling himself to stop being a whimp.

He went over dutchess to put on some deodorant. He usually forgot too or just didn't have the motivation, that's why he always kept a spare in his bag. His deodorant was for females, due to having a transphobic mother and a father who didn't care about him.

He quickly put on his deodorant so that he wouldn't have to look in the mirror. He felt so... detached, from reality. He couldn't even recognise himself anymore. He brushed off the thought saying that he was just being delusional, trying to stay grounded and down to earth.

Taka walked to the bathroom and looked at his fatigued expression whilst he brushed his teeth. He wrote a reminder in washable pen on his arm to do so as he kept on forgetting. Speaking of which, 'What day is it today? Oh, right, it's my first day at Hope's Peak, a high school for the elite. That rhymed. Oh well. I'm such a loser.' Taka thought to himself with a blank face.

He finished brushing his teeth and washed off the pen. He went to his room to get changed. At least that was the plan, but he had to check the scale.


Wait, that can't be right. He checked again.


He looked at the result, feeling so weak. He knew this was underweight for his height but... He wanted- no... needed, to lose more.

Taka walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. He quietly opened the cupboard and swiftly took the bandages then quietly closed the cupboard again then tiptoed to his room.

He took off his pajamas and threw them into the laundry basket. He wrapped the bandages tightly around his chest, unevenly flattening it.

He put on his school uniform, struggling with the buttons like always. He stared at the deep cuts on his forearm, some old some new. He quickly pulled his sleeve down to cover them up, embarrassed about how it actually felt good to see the  crimson blood dripping from his wrist. He tiptoed back into the kitchen and swiftly put the bandages back then tiptoed back into his room.

Taka checked the time. 5:57 AM. He figured he should put on his shoes. He had put on socks beforehand so this would be easy right? Wrong. He successfully put his shoes on but struggled greatly with the laces like always.

He took out his phone and texted his mother.


6:02 AM


I'm heading to school now.

It was pretty early so by the time he arrived his mother would only just see the text.

Taka grabbed his bag and headed out the door, locking it behind him. He locked his own door beforehand to avoid any snooping.

After a long walk, he finally reached the gates of Hope's Peak Academy. Right when he stepped Inside the gates, everything went black.


Hello. This is my first story so please don't judge. I based Taka a bit off myself so I hope you don't mind. Please feel free to give any ideas cause I have no idea of what I'm doing😅 It will take a while for me to update this since I have balance school which is just shit so yeah. Please enjoy!

Word count: 671

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